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Spanish Civil War Action - Encounter at Villalba 1938 Free Scenario [PK]

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dwight shrute writes:

looks good , but why the T26S and Russian Infantry on the cover ?

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HRGWORLDS of HRG Worlds writes:

Encounter at Villalba
July 26th, 1938


After crossing the Ebro at Flix, the Republicans advance further south and take the town of La Fatterella. The attack was stopped by Nationalist defenders at the town of Villalba de los Arcos and the crossroads of Cuarto Caminos.

The Republicans must capture the town to accomplish their task to unite the Republican territories. They must also link up at Gandesa; therefore, they have to hold the crossroads and Faristol Hill.

This is a nice, introductory scenario for all who wish to game the Spanish Civil War - a very confused and misunderstood war, with so much propaganda that some of it continues to this day.

Encounter at Villalba

Achim Pfiffer from Germany graciously put together the scenario, which we have just uploaded to the Free Scenarios folder in the PANZERKORPHQ Yahoo! Group.

Although designed for divisional warfare, the scenarios have been known to be used for company- and squad-level gaming.

Encounter at Villalba map

Check out our comprehensive Spanish Civil War General's Handbook Bandera Adelante from our company store at, or from a dealer near you.

In Europe, visit; or in Britain, Caliver Books.

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