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Darkest African Fantasies by Obelisk Miniatures

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BlackWidowPilot Fezian writes:

<<Oh good, more baboons! Just in time for the rerelease of Runequest…>>


are you pulling this ole Humakti Runepriest's leg?

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

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Josef Ochmann of Obelisk Miniatures writes:

Obelisk Miniatures is proud to announce the start of a new range of miniatures - Darkest African Fantasies.

The baboon horde

This range will contain unusual and thrilling miniatures for Pulp, Colonial, and adventure gamers. Currently there are three items: ULan'the, the Amazon Champion for €3.50 EUR, six young amazons for €12.50 EUR, and the best - a six-piece Baboon Horde for €12.50 EUR.

Photo blocked by adult filter:
"Ulan'the - the Amazon Champion"

They will be ready for shipment by the end of next week, so pre-orders are being taken now.

A new Gangstars blister - a Latino gang with a fiercely attacking Amstaff (named Carlos) - will be ready next week as well.

So - keep an eye on Obelisk!