Doug MSC of Miniature Service Center writes:
New 40mm FIW Photos Are Now Up for the British Regulars & Grenadiers Firing Line From Trident Designs May 1, 2017!
- Photos are now up for the FIW British Regulars & Grenadiers firing line.
- A big surprise coming next for the French & Indian War. Some of you have been waiting for these figures. Well, they just got a big push to the front of the line!
- Coming next for the AWI will be the Queens Rangers.
- I'm selling my entire painted 40mm ACW collection. Over 730 individually mounted figures left. If interested, send me an email at, and I will send you a listing of what is available.
- We are putting the molds of our ACW range up for sale. We want to start a number of new ranges that are geared for small battles or skirmish purposes. If you're interested in purchasing these ACW molds, email me or phone me at (520-673-5169), and we can talk.
Text edited by Editor Dianna 
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Editor in Chief Bill