Here they are at last, the missing mounted element of the range! I decided I had to make all the regiments individually, as there are subtle differences in the cut of the coats (i.e., the 1st and the 3rd Continental dragoons had half-lapels, and most of the regiments had a different arrangement of buttons on the cuffs). I've depicted Lee's Legion in their striking buff-and-green uniforms, which they wore in 1780 prior to their green 'roundabouts'. You could also use Lee's Legion for the later Continental dragoon uniforms, or even other Legion's such as Armand's in blue-faced buff. As you can see, there are arm variants in the packs to allow the full role of these cavalry on the tabletop. These will be available from next week.
American War of Independence 1775-83
28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry
AW 180 - Mounted American Militia command - £8.50 GBP
AW 181 - Mounted American Militia - £8.50 GBP
AW 182 - Lee's Legion Horse command, 1780 - £8.50 GBP
AW 183 - Lee's Legion Horse, 1780 - £8.50 GBP
AW 184 - 1st Continental Light Dragoon command, 1779 - £8.50 GBP
AW 185 - 1st Continental Light Dragoons, 1779 - £8.50 GBP
AW 186 - 2nd Continental Light Dragoon command, 1778 - £8.50 GBP
AW 187 - 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, 1778 - £8.50 GBP
AW 188 - 3rd Continental Light Dragoon command, 1777-78 - £8.50 GBP
AW 189 - 3rd Continental Light Dragoons, 1777-78 - £8.50 GBP
AW 190 - 4th Continental Light Dragoon command, 1780 - £8.50 GBP
AW 191 - 4th Continental Light Dragoons, 1780 - £8.50 GBP