2012 starts off with a busy month of releases from Studio Miniatures HQ.
First up, some wonderful new 28mm zombies for our Z-Clipz range, Only The Dead Are Left. This set of four minis represents some of the more mutated/infectious zombies roaming the Earth after the Zombie Apocalypse.
Ever wondered what Santa did after Christmas? Well, it looks like he becomes one mean zombie hunter. This month sees the release of Hogan, the latest survivor for our Z-Clipz range of 28mm minis. Heavily armed and ready to rock'n'roll.
Also out this month are more Goloth for our Atlantis Imperium range. Havildars and a Heavy Cannon bringing up some command and support for those Battle Squads.
And finally, more British Royal Marines for our 28mm Boxer Rebellion range.
Out next month: The first packs in our new 28mm Colonial range, and some lovely Fenris bases.