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Flagship Games: "We're Not Quite Dead Yet"

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Volstagg Vanir writes:

The Spirit Warrior mechs are Just loverly->
The 'building Block' type assembly
actully helped to make it possible to have Fully Articulated joints:
Coupla pieces of Guitar String & a drill bit & you were Golden!

I do recall a conversation w/ someone at FlagShip,
around 1992?
He said the entire line sold maybe 10 models a year or something.
Dunno how that was possible, because I bought about 100 myself…

Only Complaint I had was they were scaled so much Bigger than BattleTech:
about the size of CAV minis, I'm guessin',
(or more correctly: the Original Macross mini-styrene models)
I'd love to see them have a come-back… Maybe in a different scale?

Come to Think of it-> They scale pretty well w/ the BattleTech 'clickies' line,
so they must have been scaled to 10mm… Most Giant Robot action is 6mm, I guess.
That was likely part of the problem from a Sales perspective:
With new, cheaper CAD methods available: Due for a Rennaisance!!

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4,829 hits since 9 Dec 2009

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mark "Extra Crispy" Severin of Scale Creep Miniatures writes:

We are very excited to announce that Flagship Games is not dead! With a little voodoo help from the chief headshrinkers here at Scale Creep Miniatures, they are back! All of their rulebooks and miniatures will be available again right here!

Not dead yet!

Rather than see this excellent stable of gaming products disappear, we have acquired the rights to them and will be taking over producing and retailing them here in the U.S.

We hope to be able to announce a U.K. distributor for the rulebooks (and perhaps the ships) soon as well.

Please stay tuned for more details!

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