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Wyrd 'You Want How Much for My Transmission' Sale

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Frustrated Father writes:

Yeah, this is actually the second time that we've rebuilt the darn thing, the first time it just died naturally, the second time around, basically the fella skimped on a part that 'should' have been replaced when it was all torn apart and of course, two years later we're at it again. I keep swearing I'll never put another cent into the car but ….

As for the site and timing out, the server was having some scripting errors yesterday (not my software, but on the servers end) and it was up/down/busted for a few hours during the day and I think they managed to get it all worked out in the end. My apologies if you got caught in the middle of it (irritated me as well, believe me …)

Here is the direct link to the web shop and all you need to do is create a user account, fill up your shopping cart, and process. The user account it simply to track orders and shipments and keep everything organized, not to sell off information or make a nuisance of myself with e-mails (though we do have a newsletter option that is offered if that is your wish).

Failing that, contact me directly (methinks it is time for a reconstruction of the site …)


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1,548 hits since 28 Aug 2006

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Frustrated Father of Wyrd Miniatures writes:

The title says it all!

Misaki, Warmaiden

Wyrd is having a quick sale through Labor Day Weekend (now through September 3rd), to hopefully help pay for an unexpected car repair that was supposed to be minor and has essentially turned into a new transmission for the hotrod Lincoln. Funny how a part that costs less than $10 USD can cause a couple of thousand in damage and repairs. Dig deep if you have a mind to, my sculptors are telling me I've gotta pay them, too (sigh of martydom).

Viktoria, Sword Maiden

15% off all orders of at least $20 USD, good through Labor Day. In order to receive the discount, you simply need to enter 'transmission' as the coupon code as you check-out in the Wyrd Online Store.