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Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment New from Askari Miniatures

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Askari Minis of Askari Miniatures writes:

FRC-8 Legionnaire with covered kepi

After almost a year in development, Askari Miniatures is pleased to present figures of the 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment, the Premier Regiment Etranger d'Cavalerie (1er REC).

The regiment fought with distinction in Syria and Morocco in the 1920s and 30s, eventually becoming an armored unit in World War II and beyond.


And now for the first time in miniature, this regiment is available for your armies. Above, the troopers in gandourah and covered kepi. There are also variants with a white kepi and, as usual, dismounted figures to complement the mounted ones.

Mounted and dismounted troops

In all, there are six new sets, three mounted and three dismounted, and you will find them only at Askari Miniatures. They are a part of our unique Inter-war Foreign Legion line.

Mounted Command

This regiment joins the stable of French Army of Africa mounted units, including the Chasseurs d'Afrique and Spahis:

Spahis Command

Dismounted Chasseurs d'Afrique

In addition, we'll have more new Chasseurs d'Afrique and mounted Berbers in the new year!

Askari Miniatures are 28mm; prices vary by set.

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