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Warlord Games: New Hail Caesar Saxon Medium Cavalry, Saxon Slingers & Norman Characters

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Cuckoohillblues writes:

Paul at Warlord Games, great news about the new range, look forward to seeing what they are. Colin had sculpted new Viking Hersir at the same time as the Saxon huscarls, will these also be released. Also any idea on time scales – you previewed the new Saxon cavalry almost a year ago on Facebook and that's them just released

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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

Run your enemy down or harass and pepper from afar with the new Saxon Medium Cavalry and Saxon Slingers.

Saxon Medium Cavalry

Saxon Medium Cavalry

Armed with spears and shields, these medium cavalry can serve as a decent shock troop to attack your opponent's flanks.

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Saxon Slingers

Saxon Slingers

Keep up a consistent barrage of fire. Slingers may fall short compared to arrows for their deadliness, but the ease of use and training, access to ammo, and efficient nature all ensure a non-stop volley of deadly projectiles.

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Norman Characters

Lead your invasion with the new Norman Characters.

Norman Characters

Duke William of Normandy

More famously known as William the Conqueror, he was the first Norman King of England, reigning from 1066 to 1087.

Bishop Odo

Half-brother of William the Conqueror, he was also second in power, after the King of England, for a short period of time.

Turstin Fitz Rolf

Turstin Fitz Rolf was a trusted companion of William the Conqueror, and was by his side during the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

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