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FM70 Two Headed Ogre by Nick Bibby Restored & Released

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936 hits since 16 May 2023

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP of Alternative Armies writes:

I said I want Human for dinner today.

Well, I want Sheep and what I says goes.

Huh, is that so? Well, it might give us both a sore head, but you are getting a smack!
Two headed Ogre

Asgard fantasy range. Life is not easy when the voice in your head is actually a head next to yours on the same body. This monster, sculpted by Nick Bibby (he of the mighty NB2 Dragon), and works in any scale. We show it next to the 28mm scale FM47 Wraith. A fine foe in any army.

Two headed Ogre

FM70 – Two Headed Ogre

Two headed Ogre

We have now restored nearly 70 miniatures in the Asgard FM range, along with the Jez Goodwin Barbarians and, of course, the other Nick Bibby fantasy models.

Orrid Ogres

We recently replaced the molds for our VNT3 Orrid Ogres, which also work in any scale, and are on offer too. Seen here with MRP04 Venetian Ambassador from our 15mm Renaissance range.

Rock Monster

Free automatically in all orders shipped out until 1st July 2023 and worth £10.00 GBP, the new VNT48 Rock Monster. A good companion to the Two Headed Ogre, eh! You need do nothing but order, and we will do the rest. You can also purchase it as well, and you will still get one free per package shipped.

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