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Babylon 5 CTA: Earth Alliance Early Years Fleet Box Set

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Tony S writes:

I had to mail some parts back (at my cost) but in the return package they tossed in a ship that more than made up for my out-of-pocket expenses. As well as freely replacing the bad parts at no charge, and definitely no hassle.

I find the game itself a lot of fun – absolutely one of the better spaceship games I've played.

The box fleets are a really good deal as well. I succumbed to the temptation, and was glad I did.

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MongooseMatt of Mongoose Publishing writes:

The latest Fleet Box Set for Babylon 5: A Call to Arms will be making its way to your local stockist this week. The Earth Alliance Early Years Fleet contains 12 warships and 48 Starfuries, enough to build an impressive range of forces, all for just $99.95 USD (representing a saving of over $30 USD!).

Earth Alliance Early Years Fleet

The Early Years era of the Earth Alliance features the forces humanity used in the Dilgar and Minbari Wars, and includes ships no longer seen in EarthForce, such as the Sagittarius missile cruiser and the Orestes system monitor. Still competitive against modern ships, the Early Years fleet is suitably 'retro' in Babylon 5, while packing a real punch!

Earth Alliance Early Years Fleet

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