Both of us play quite a lot of Joseph McCullough's Stargrave with other members of Maidstone Wargames Society (you can see the latest escapades here). For those who don't know, Stargrave is a sci-fi adventure game published by Osprey, where each player has a crew of ten beings (human, alien, robot, it doesn't matter) who roam the galaxy looking for Excitement, Adventure and Really Wild Things. It has a slight RPG element to it in that your captain and first mate can develop additional skills and abilities (or alternatively, lose limbs) as the games go on. It's aimed at 28mm miniatures – although there is an official range, its figure and scale agnostic so you can really use whatever you like.

A while back, we were sourcing a few specific bits of scatter terrain for a game when we realized that we already had what we were looking for, albeit in a different scale. So we did the obvious thing and scaled up a couple of our 15mm bits to use in a game. And then this led on to scaling one or two other bits, and then some stuff we purposely made in 28mm. So we were at the point where we had a handful of useful 28mm scatter terrain and other bits, and the obvious thing to do when you run a miniatures company is release them!
Which means that at this year's Salute, we'll be launching our new 28mm range of sci-fi terrain and accessories. There will even be a couple of vehicles – you can see one of the first of these in the photos, a 4×4 dune buggy. Germy has kindly sculpted us a 28mm Brigadier miniature, you'll be seeing a lot of him in photos as a size reference.

The range will be a mixture of metal, resin and 3Dprinted items. This is just a first taster, we'll be previewing more items between now and the show.