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New Dark Age Banner Sheets & Velites Transfers

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Battle Cry Bill writes:

Wow, these are indeed inspiring. As good as a new Osprey and better than new GW pics.

Bill Hupp

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STEVE LBMS of Little Big Men Studios writes:

I have been busy over the Christmas period and January designing some new banner sheets and shield transfers.

Varangian banners and shields

There is a Varangan guard banner and shield sheet to fit Gripping Beast miniatures. This contains 24 shields and 3 banners.

Dark Age banner sheet

Also, there are 2 new Dark Age banner sheets of Crosses and Beastial designs. These would be suitable for Irish, Scots, Welsh, Saxon, Viking, etc... and can be used with most manufacturers' figures.

Roman and Velite cavalry designs

I am coming near to rounding off the extensive range of transfers I make to fit Gripping Beast's wonderful Punic Wars range. Added are 3 sheets of Velite transfers and 2 sheets of Roman Cavalry transfers. I should be working on a few more Celtic designs soon.

Celtic designs for Renegade

Finally, I have had time to do three sheets of Celtic designs to fit Renegade miniatures. There are 36 designs in total, and I will add more over the next month or so.

I have added to my range of transfers to fit A&A miniatures with 2 Sassanid sheets, 4 Spanish sheets, 4 Samnite sheets and a new Carthagnian sheet. These can all be found on the A&A website.

Lastly, I am having a new website worked on so it is not as cluttered as my site at present! So you will hopefully see my whole range in one place in the next couple of months.

The new transfers will be on sale through Gripping Beast and Chiltern Miniatures at Crusade in Penarth on the 28th.