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New 54mm Wargame Sets from All the King's Men

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allthekingsmen writes:

Hey, Frtiz! One day I hope to! I'm a big fan of the period as well, and love the look of 54mm tricones in battle. Now that I offer infantry for Hessians/Prussians, other nations are within reach. (I'm working on Hessian/Prussian musketeers even now.)

Hope you like the ATKM rules. They are simple in explanation and concept, yet challenging in application, because there's a price to pay for your troops' activations. You feel the double-edged sword of every command you issue.


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18th Century
Toy Gaming

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3,858 hits since 18 Jul 2007

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Ken Cliffe of All the King's Men Toy Soldiers writes:

Hessian playset

All the King's Men Toy Soldiers introduces a pair of new 54mm wargame playsets. Collectively called Washington's Victory, the sets focus on the AWI's Battle of Trenton - one set for the Continentals, and one set for the Hessians.

Continental playset

These are all-original figures cast in pewter. The sets include 50 figures each, along with foam-resin buildings, terrain pieces, and a book of simple rules in the Old School manner. Each box set is $159 USD.

Hessian skirmishers

Check it all out at our new website:

Continental infantry

Individual and bagged figures are also available, as are separate buildings and walls. You can even download a free copy of the ATKM rules to see what they're like.

Hope to see you there!

For more information