Within a few days, the 15mm Crush of Iron Fantasy Master Kickstarter will launch!
In Crush of Iron, we wanted to create a game system that:
- Encourages head-to-head competitive play
- Very tournament friendly
- Large enough in scope for multiple scenarios, narrative play, and campaigns
- Doesn't require a dozen army books and supplements
- Easy to pick up and challenging to master
- Allows large games with plenty of maneuver in a reasonable space
- Doesn't rely on characters or magical screwdrivers for the "win"
- Does maneuverable elements and not just big "trays" of figures
With the Crush of Iron miniatures, we wanted:
- The right price to create massive armies
- No tedious assembly
- Plenty of detail but not so much it takes weeks of spare time to paint a single unit
- A model size that allows us to add in some truly massive beasts and insane machines
So, in short, Crush of Iron Fantasy Master is about playing the kinds of epic fantasy games we used to dream about before it all got way too expensive and way too complicated!
To make all this happen, we need you to jump in and support it!
You can visit us on Facebook or go to our forum for more information.
Better yet, sign up for the Crush of Iron newsletter by simply sending an email to CRUSH@aliendungeon.com. If you contact us before the Kickstarter launches, you will also be signing up for the Pre-Kickstarter Specials!