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Armies of Arcana Miniatures Available Again

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napthyme writes:

I didn't get nearly as many wolfen as I did the snakemen from Thane. I am not going to run out of the snakemen very fast. The wolfen weight about 4 to the ounce in comparison to the Amazons which are 14 to the ounce.

The new wolfen are going to cost a lot more to recast, so I had to move the price up partially now so that its not such a sticker shock later.

This price increase can already been seen in the panther and chaos knight mounts.

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napthyme of Napthymes Role-playing Den writes:

Hi, everyone...

Well, I think I finally have things ready to sell these again, and start seeing some income from the line. (Despite eight years in the retail side of things, I learned I did not know nearly enough about the manufacturers' side as I thought I did.)

Amazon Panther Riders

So these are in 15mm, of course. Prices are pre-website in U.S. dollars per figure, so for those saying "No, not this close to Christmas!!" I will honor these prices until I can get a website set up and a cart filled and ready for business. (Recasts were more expensive than those I purchased from Thane's existing stocks.)

Shipping will be figured on a by-order basis, so please include your zip code/country, and PayPal email address if you are making a payment that way. I will take snail mail check/M.O. as well, if that is what you want.

Wolfen minis

Pics of the line are still available here. I did change a few of the names, just because it seemed to make more sense to me.

Send your orders to, and please label them as "AoA TMP Order".

Armies of Arcana pre-website prices per figure:


M001  Owlbears (Large)                        $2.25 USD
M002 Griffins (1 separate wing) $3.00 USD (recast)
M003 Manticores (1 separate wing) $2.25 USD


W001  Swords men                              $1.50 USD
W002 Spear men $1.50 USD
W003 Javelins $1.50 USD
W004 Archers $1.50 USD
W005 Scouts $1.50 USD
W006 Berserkers $1.50 USD
W007 Hunters $1.50 USD
W008 Night Guard $1.50 USD
W009 Great Wolf $1.50 USD
W010 Shaman $1.50 USD
W011 Lord $1.50 USD


D001  Imps                                    $0.45 USD
D002 Ice Demons $0.45 USD
D003 Fire Demons $0.45 USD
D004 Howlers $0.45 USD
D005 Chaos Knights $0.45 USD
D006 Mounted Chaos Knights $0.45 USD
D007 Chaos Knight Mounts $1.80 USD (recast)
D008 Chain Demons (Large) $0.90 USD
D009 Barons (Large) $0.90 USD
D010 Cacodemons (Large) $0.90 USD


The Nyoka all have regular-snake heads; the Kaa have cobra hoods.

(designed for cavalry bases)

S001  Nyoka Swordsmen                         $0.45 USD
S002 Nyoka Spearmen $0.45 USD
S003 Nyoka Archers $0.45 USD
S004 Nyoka Blade masters (2 swords) $0.45 USD
S005 Nyoka Charmers (whips) $0.45 USD
S006 Kaa Swordsmen $0.45 USD
S007 Kaa Hurlers
(African throwing knife and shield) $0.45 USD
S008 Kaa Archers $0.45 USD
S009 Kaa Wizard $0.45 USD
S010 Kaa Lord $0.45 USD


A001  Sword maiden                            $0.45 USD
A002 Spear maiden $0.45 USD
A003 Bow maiden $0.45 USD
A004 Warrior $0.45 USD
A005 Scout $0.45 USD
A006 Blade Dancer $0.45 USD
A007 Mounted Warriors $0.45 USD
A008 Panther $1.80 USD (recast)
A009 Princess $0.45 USD
A010 Princess Mounted $0.45 USD
A011 Queen $0.45 USD

Also available still from Thane's stock and other sources in 28mm...

Reaper mini figs available:

Kagonk - Ogre Chieftain  (limited to 5)       $7.50 USD
Oriental Dragon (limited to 2) $14.00 USD
Skeletal Dragon (limited to 5) $14.00 USD
Giant Spiders packs (limited to 6) $5.00 USD
Mountain Troll $7.50 USD
Vourgha - Ogre Warrior $7.50 USD
Garnuk - the Ogre (limited to 5) $7.50 USD
Cockatrice (limited to 5) $5.00 USD
Giant Scarab Beetle (limited to 4) $6.50 USD
Silver Dragon (limited to 6) $14.00 USD
Amber Dragon (last one) $14.00 USD
Dragon Abyzarran (limited to 5) $14.00 USD
Dragon Nachtlufte (limited to 2) $14.00 USD
Ettin (#302479) (last one) $7.50 USD
Hill Troll $7.50 USD
Young Pegasus (foals pack) $2.00 USD
Young Unicorns (foals pack) $2.00 USD
Large Spiders (from familiar pack #3) $1.50 USD
Snakes (from familiar pack #3) $1.50 USD
Lesser Air Elementals $2.00 USD
Lesser Fire Elementals $2.00 USD
Lesser Earth Elementals $2.00 USD
Lesser Water Elementals $2.00 USD

I assume these are Reaper, but I can not find them in their current catalog. I do have pics, if you want to check them.

Hatchling Dragons                             $2.00 USD
Fire Elementals $2.50 USD
Water Elementals $2.50 USD
Air Elementals $2.50 USD
Earth Elementals $2.50 USD

Dark Sword miniatures

Visions in Fantasy Red Dragon                 $13.00 USD
Visions in Fantasy Blue Dragon $13.00 USD
Visions in Fantasy Sea Dragon $19.00 USD
Visions in Fantasy Green Dragon $13.00 USD
Caldwell Masterworks Miniatures Set #1 $20.00 USD
(limited to 2)
Circarserie Demonic Arachnid mini 
Magnificent Egos $12.00 USD
LoTR Fellowship O/T Rings
intro boxed game GW $24.00 USD
(limited to 3)

Chainmail ($2.50 USD/mini)

Were Ape Drazen's Horde (limited to 5) 
Abyssal Maw Naresh (limited to 5)
Zombie Troglodyte Ahmut (boxed) (limited to 5)
Ogre Trooper Drazen's Horde (limited to 8)

WH40K Tyranid blister packs ($3.00 USD/pack)

Biovore W/Spore Mines   (limited to 2)
Termagants W/Fleshborers (last one)
Zoanthrope (last one)
Clan War Void Guard                           $4.00 USD /pack
(limited to 2)

Chronopia ($5.00 USD/pack)

Elf Lotus eater          (last one)
Elf Swordsmen (limited to 2)
Elf Dragonbane Warkiller (limited to 2)
Elf Dream warriors (last one)
Elf Dream warrior Leader (last one)
Elf Archer leader (last one)
Elf Archers (limited to 2)

Thanks, everyone, and have a great holiday...