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Bolt Action Imperial Japanese Miniatures Now Available Singly

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CmdrKiley writes:

I just finished up a set of these for AE-WWII and they're really nice figures.



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2,176 hits since 28 Dec 2011

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

As we continue to add to our Bolt Action Imperial Japanese Army range, we thought it as time make the current range available as reinforcements!


You can now get your hands on the miniatures singly, and build your army to your own tastes. See what's on offer in our webstore.

IJA rifleman

IJA LMG team

IJA Rifleman

If you're looking for support for your Imperial Japanese Army, you need look no further than our lovely Type 97 Chi-Ha tank – the most widely produced Japanese tank of the war. With its 57mm main gun, forward- and rear-facing machineguns, and trademark radial aerial, it's just what the soldiers of the Divine Emperor need.


If laying down some serious suppressing fire is what you need, this heavy machinegun team is the answer to your prayers. Whether you're facing the British, American or Dutch forces, they'll learn a healthy respect for this tripod-mounted killing machine.

IJA HMG team

Wondering which paints you need to get these great models into action quickly? Help is at hand with our Bolt Action Japanese Army paint set

IJA paint set

Worldwide shipping is a paltry £1.00 GBP per order, or completely free if your order is over £50.00 GBP. You know what to do…

For more information