Take Another Look at Lancashire Games!
Over the years, we have taken over a few ranges, here is a reminder of Lancashire Games miniatures!
15mm Biblical, Ancients, Dark Ages to Medieval
18mm Marlburian to AWI
18mm Napoleon in Egypt to 19th Century
18mm Colonial to 18mm WWI
20mm WWII
28mm Ancients, Medieval, Horse & Musket to Carlists Wars
Plus, in the archive section, all the replaced ranges so those armies can be completed – 15mm ACW, Colonial and Spanish Napoleonic.
Blaze Away – 10mm American Civil War & 28mm Naps & WWI
Venexia – 15mm Ottoman Turk
20mm Vietnam & Modern Ranges
We also stock the excellent Piquet wargames rules.
New Wargame Accessories
It was pointed out to us by Erik Engling that some players, due to eyesight, etc., need larger die cells, so we redesigned them with that in mind and a 16mm die, although we made it a touch bigger, so if painted and ease of removal.
Also, our free flags are ready.
Painting Service
Last but not least, don't forget our painting service and our Designer Armies deal.
We are currently working on new releases. Special pre-release offer next week.
New Greens
For more details of these and our other ranges and services: