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TimeCast: Old Glory 15s Update

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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TimeCast Sponsoring Member of TMP of TimeCast writes:

We now have the Old Glory 15s Imperial Romans and Dacians in stock. More ranges from the era of Imperial Rome will follow shortly.

Old Glory 15s - Imperial Romans

In addition, we have also added pictures of the Old Glory 15s Ancients figures to our website. Click on the product code to view the pictures.

Old Glory 15s Republican Roman Triarii

U.K. wargamers may have noticed that two major U.K. shows (Sheffield Triples and Salute) are only one week apart this year. This essentially means that we will not have time to restock our ranges of Old Glory 15s between the Sheffield and Salute shows.

We aim to place a substantial order with the manufacturer in the U.S.A. in March to ensure that we have as large a stock as possible to cover both shows. However, we would recommend ordering your models prior to the show to allow time for delivery from the U.S.A.

Customers who wish to pre-order Old Glory 15s for collection at either Sheffield or Salute should ensure that you let us have your orders by 19th March at the latest. We will be placing an order with the manufacturer on the 20th to ensure delivery in time for the shows.

For more details, please contact us directly.

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