An Officer on Horseback & Six Seamen
Available Painted or as Kit/Castings.
No. 08 Tradition Magazine – Reproduced
The 2nd Bengal Lancers 1901, part IV.
Notes and Queries. English Foot Guards 1812.
The Roman Army.
35th Foot Color plate II.
Garde Imperiale Lanciers Gendarme.
Photographic Competition.
The Collector International.
2nd Royal North British Dragoons.
Ordonnance Gendarmes, 1807. Mounted and Foot Jäger, Prussian Army 1744-1807.
The Tradition of War Medals.
An Officer of the 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars circa 1830.
Random Shots Salvo Seven.
Who wore what when.
Development of Armor during the 100 Years War, part II.
Garde Imperial Chasseur a Pied.
Letters to the Editor.