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Rifle Platoon Released for Flames of War: Vietnam

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nazrat writes:

I must correct myself-- the newest pack of Flashpoint's US Infantry platoon now includes a Medic and M60s. I was going by the one that is now out of production that did not have as good figure selection.

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Battlefront Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of Battlefront Miniatures Ltd writes:

Tour Of Duty

The bulk of American combat soldiers in Vietnam served in rifle companies. As well as the basic grunt work, these workhorses undertook air assaults, and worked with the tanks in mobile operations.

Rifle Platoon (VUS712)

The standard rifle platoon, according to the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE), was a rarity in Vietnam. Almost every platoon was task-organized based on the number of men available and the mission. Most units left the heavy M67 90mm recoilless rifle behind, although some swore by it when facing bunkers. Other units saved men by assigning M60 machine-guns to each squad, rather than keeping them in a separate weapons squad.

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