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Extra Armour for Imperial Guard Chimeras [40K]

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Grungydan writes:

Well, I think they're cool looking. They're resin castings, have the Imperial Eagle, look nice on the model, the only one's anyone makes as far as I know, and they're only roughly half what an entire Chimera costs.

Everyone's a critic. :)

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Ewen Little of Forge World writes:

Heavy Metal

Imperial Guard Chimera with Spaced Armour

Forge World Design Manager Owen Branham says he always likes to take the 'Extra Armour' option for his Imperial Guard Chimeras. Of course, there has never been a set of armour for the Chimera, so Owen decided to make one.

Imperial Guard Chimera close-up, showing the explosive blocks

The design Owen chose has been used many times throughout the many conflicts Humanity has fought in over the past 40 millenia. Large armoured plates are hung over the vunerable slab-sides of the Chimera. These are then covered with small explosive blocks which are meant to explode outwards when hit, deflecting or slowing down any shots and ensuring the survival of your mechanised infantry (you hope!).

Imperial Guard Chimera with Spaced Armour

Owen has mentioned that he wants to get to work on a similar set of armour for the Leman Russ, so we can look forward to that fairly soon, I hope. The new Chimera Armoured Skirts pack is available to pre-order right now, and will be released and sent out from Monday, May 30th.

So, what's next..?

Earlier this morning, I saw the next few sets of Terminator Shoulder Pads that Simon Egan is working on. He had a set for Imperial/Crimson Fists and another for Raptors sitting on his desk which I think were pretty much finished. He was working on a set of pads and other accessories for Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators which looked particularly exciting and I look forward to seeing again. Forge World should have the sets of shoulder pads for the Raptors and Imperial/Crimson Fists ready for release in the next few weeks, and the Space Wolves set a little after that - with even more sets to follow!

Mark Bedford has nearly completed 5 new Tallarn heavy weapon crews, all designed to use the plastic Imperial Guard heavy weapons. Each set will include additional accessories like small piles of sandbags with ammo or equipment laid out. Another nice touch is a special Tallarn pattern lasgun, which really suits the style of the Tallarns that Mark has created. We hope to be able to show you these great new models very soon.

We do have a final piece of news for you today - Imperial Armour Volume 3 – The Taros Campaign is damned near to being sent off to the printers. Warwick has been writing and re-writing like a madman for I don't know how long. (When he flew over to Baltimore for Games Day last week, he did sit editing it on the way over and back!) Tony has been Mr Photoshop, scowling at his monitor creating picture after picture for this monster book. Do 320 pages qualify as monster? I think it does. Very soon we'll be able to tell you quite a bit more about the book, and hopefully show you some of the pages too.

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