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New 6th to 7th Century Saxons

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azeze3000 writes:

Great ! I love them .
At the moment i haven ' t choose my next army, i will check if the range will be completed .

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4,729 hits since 26 Jul 2007

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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NickNorthStar of North Star writes:


A year ago, North Star released the beginning of a range of new Saxon figures from the designer RJ Eastland. But Roy wasn't happy with them, and no more figures were designed.


A year later, he has come back with the range redesigned to his satisfaction. We have 24 figures available:

Unarmoured Spearmen
Armoured Spearmen

The figures are brilliant, the detail is finer than you'd expect from modern 28mm figures (which some of you may very well prefer), and height-wise they stand in well next to other 28mm ranges.


The figures here were painted by the Mystic Spirals painting service, and the full range is illustrated on the North Star site.


RJ Eastland has mounted Saxons and Picts next for release.


P.S. The original figures he made are in the Bargain Basement on the North Star site - well worth a look at, but that style of figure won't be continued.