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15mm Sci-Fi Ventauran Space Troopers from Eureka Miniatures

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ethasgonehome writes:

Great to see these guys in 15mm…but I was wondering when they might make their way over to the UK. Anyone know if/when Fighting15s will have them?

I have a whole load on the shipment from Eureka that arrived at the start of this week. Once I have had a chance to check them over (there's almost 30kg of metal in that shipment to sort!) , and clear my pile of orders, they will be going live on the website.


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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

We can now announce 'first contact' with our new 15mm Ventauran alien space troopers – some much needed opposition for our very popular 15mm Sci-Fi Germans. Keen alien spotters will already know the Ventaurans from the excellent 25mm figures designed and produced by Denizen Miniatures. Our smaller versions have been faithfully sculpted by Mike Broadbent to match all the features of the original range and add a few touches of his own (with Denizen's full approval, of course).

15mm Science-Fiction Alien Infantry – Ventaurans

Like the 15mm Sci-Fi Germans, the Ventaurans are a successful 300 Club project (the Eureka custom miniature pre-order service). One of our enterprising 300 Club members contacted Chub Pearson at Denizen Miniatures in the U.K., who very kindly gave his permission to allow us to re-produce his Ventauran designs in 15mm. Sculptor Mike Broadbent (already a fan of the original 25mm Denizen range) was only too happy to tackle the project, and we think he has done a lovely job.

As you would expect, there is futuristic weaponry and full-body blast armor aplenty here! Lots of figure variants carrying the standard "assault rifle," supplemented by a section/squad automatic support weapon, a fearsome-looking heavy autocannon, and a two-figure anti-armor weapon set. There is also an officer and a communications (comms) figure. There are all sorts of 15mm sci-fi battle games systems out there in hyperspace that are crying out for these – such as Future War Commander (Specialist Military Publishing). Alternatively, if you prefer playing skirmish games with 15mm figures (rather than the larger scales), there is GZG's venerable but still excellent Stargrunt rules, or check out the exciting new Tomorrow's War (from the Ambush Alley team who brought you the Force on Force rules).

We would like to thank Mr. Pearson very much for this opportunity to work alongside him, and if 15mm is not your preferred figure size for sci-fi gaming, we would highly recommend you check out the original 25mm figures at the Denizen Miniatures website.

15mm Science-Fiction Alien Infantry – Ventaurans

We currently have another 300 Club request for 15mm versions of some more of Chub's work (the Federation troops), and if you would like to see these put into production, you can express an interest by pre-ordering via the Eureka website.

Here are the catalog details for the new miniatures in the current release –

New 15mm Science-Fiction Infantry – Ventaurans

Sculpted by Mike Broadbent

300SCI10 Ventauran trooper with assault rifle (8)
300SCI11 Ventauran trooper with Section Automatic Weapon SAW (1)
300SCI12 Ventauran trooper officer (1)
300SCI13 Ventauran trooper team with Light Anti-armour Weapon LAW – 2 figure set
300SCI14 Ventauran trooper with Auto Cannon (1)
300SCI15 Ventauran trooper, comms (1)

Figures are sold individually unless a set is indicated. The number in parentheses denotes the number of available variants for that product code. Variants are supplied randomly, but Eureka Miniatures will always endeavor to supply a representative sample.

Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.

For more information