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Regiment Games WIP: 15mm China Sailor

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Buckeye AKA Darryl writes:

Did these figures ever get released? I need Chinese!

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2,952 hits since 5 Feb 2007

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Formerly Regiment Games Fezian of Regiment Games writes:

Someone, a few days ago, was looking for 15mm figures for "Sand Pebbles" type games. Here are some shots of the first masters for my China Sailor project, created especially to fight gunboat diplomacy battles.

China Sailor

The top row shows the first nine U.S. sailors, suitable for landing and boarding actions, including an axe-wielding sailor and a BAR man. The next four are a different axeman and three sailors with bayonets on their rifles. Below that are nine Chinese student militiamen. These are all plain-metal, uncleaned masters.

Sculptor Chris Ferree is working on more Chinese, including assorted peasants. When those are done, maybe by the end of this month, production castings will be made and the range will be available for sale.
