Kép Air Base is a Vietnam People's Air Force (VPAF) military air base located near the town of Kép, Bắc Giang province, approximately 35 miles northeast of Hanoi.
This air base was frequently targeted by the U.S.A.F. and U.S.N. in the Vietnam War. Modeled specifically for use with the upcoming U.S.N. scenario book for Check Your 6! air-combat rules, the air base is rendered in 3" hex scale with three two-hex pieces featuring main runway and taxiway with hangers and operational buildings.
An adjacent two-hex objective target piece features detailed MiG-17 and MiG-21 aircraft in revetments.
The mid-runway hex piece has a duplicate featuring extensive bombing damage to the runway and terrain. Substitute this piece to show damage if the mission is successful to knock out Kép Air Base!