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New 1815 Brunswickers from Baccus

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Crom the Terrible writes:

At 6 mm more likely ewoks imo

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2,762 hits since 8 Feb 2012

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Baccus 6mm of Baccus 6mm writes:

Those who trekked through the Arctic wastes of North Yorkshire to the Vapnartak show got a sneak preview of our latest releases in the form of the 1815 Brunswickers. Unfortunately, we didn't have any available for sale at that point (sorry, Paul!), but I am happy to say that the range is now up and running and available.

Brunswick line infantry

Given that so many out there are building the 1815 armies, this contingent is a very useful addition to the range, and in wargaming terms comes with the great advantages of being relatively small and very easy to paint. Here's a clue – undercoat them black and the rest is easy! There is also a new flagsheet covering the 1815 Allies.

Brunswick artillery

But we're not stopping there…

I'm in the process of adding some odds and ends to the Ancients ranges. Both the Republican Roman and Greek ranges now have casualty markers, and we've added some very useful Greek/Roman civilians to populate your camps and towns.

Republican Roman Casualties

Keep your eyes open as we continue this process with some dedicated command figures for your Greek and Hellenistic armies (yes, no more having to use Romans!), a big stone thrower, and some more Ancient civilians. Staying with the Ancients theme, the work on overhauling the Macedonians is nearing completion and the new sculpts should be available later this month.

Greek/Roman civilians

On the Napoleonics front, you can expect to see the Dutch/Belgian contingents arriving in the near future, after which work starts in earnest on getting the current Austrian range brought up to scratch. The plan is to replace all of the existing codes with new sculpts, and in the process expand the range, adding things like extra artillery pieces and Landwehr. I hope to have this process completed by autumn, after which we then start on doing the same for the French…

And, after an awful lot of false starts, you can definitely expect to see the first releases in the Ottoman Turk range very shortly indeed.

We'll be at Hammerhead at Newark this coming weekend. If you're there, please do pop round and have a chat and a look at all the new stuff. Please remember to let us have any pre-orders well in advance, so that we can get them all ready for you.
