We love Pulp Miniature gaming, we love classic movies.
We thought it would be a great idea to have a range of miniatures for gaming, inspired by the iconic images of classic movies, brought to your tabletop in glorious crisply cast pewter.

The first three packs, which have been sculpted and cast already, were inspired by one of my favorite movies set in wartime North Africa. We are hoping to extend the range during this campaign, so for every £1,000.00 GBP pledged, we will enable backers to vote to select the next classic movie to have a set of four miniatures developed from.

Backers will get to both suggest movies, and then vote on which one to develop miniatures for next.

Miniatures are sculpted by Mark Fuller.

Project was funded in first 24 hours, and first round of voting for next pack, stretch-goal choose a pack inspired by Tales of the Gold Monkey.