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Army Deals for Perry Wars of the Roses

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MiniatureWargaming dot com writes:

@AronBC Funny you should say that. I'm reading the books and for some reason, they inspire me to do some WotR.

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Perry Miniatures of Perry Miniatures writes:

At last, we've got around to putting deals together for the Wars of the Roses! Sorry about the wait. So here they are…


D 25 - Yorkist 'Battle' – three plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry (120 infantry), one pack of metal command on foot, and one metal pack of artillery. Actual price £69.00 GBP - Deal price £60.00 GBP.

D 26 - Lancastrian 'Battle' – three plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry (120 infantry), one pack of metal command on foot, and one metal pack of artillery. Actual price £69.00 GBP - Deal price £60.00 GBP.

D 27 - Yorkist Host – five plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry, one plastic box of 'Mercenaries' (240 infantry), one plastic box of Mounted Men at Arms (twelve cavalry), one metal pack of mounted command, and two metal packs of artillery. Actual price £151.00 GBP – Deal price £130.00 GBP.

D 28 - Lancastrian Host – five plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry, one plastic box of 'Mercenaries' (240 infantry), one plastic box of Mounted Men at Arms (twelve cavalry), one metal pack of mounted command, and two metal packs of artillery. Actual price £151.00 GBP - Deal price £130.00 GBP.

D29 - Yorkist Army – ten plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry, two plastic boxes of ‘Mercenaries’ (480 infantry), three boxes of plastic Mounted Men at Arms (36 cavalry), three metal packs of artillery, two packs of Scurrers, and one pack of metal mounted command. Actual price £319.50 GBP – Deal price £265.00 GBP post-free.

D 30 - Lancastrian Army – ten plastic boxes of Wars of the Roses Infantry, two plastic boxes of 'Mercenaries' (480 infantry), three plastic boxes of Mounted Men at Arms (36 cavalry), three metal packs of artillery, two packs of Scurrers, and one pack of metal mounted command. Actual price £319.50 GBP - Deal price £265.00 GBP post free.

D 31 - Burgundian Cavalry Wing – three plastic boxes of Mounted Men at Arms and one Charles the Bold figure. Price £54.00 GBP.