Spring sprung this week, at least on the calendar, because the snow that showed up proved distinctly un-springlike. Nonetheless, we here at OMM are definitely ready for nice weather.
New items are winging their way to the shoppe, most due in about two weeks
DBA: DE BELLIS ANTIQUITATIS 2.2 Reprint of classic rules for Ancient & Medieval Battle from 3000BC to 1500AD – simple, fast play. $28.00 USD
DEAD MAN'S HAND: Old West Skirmish Rules The 44-page, full-color rulebook comes with the DMH card deck consisting of 54 cards for skirmish gaming. $35.00 USD
NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGNS IN MINIATURE The original book went onto four editions and was reprinted five times. Contains detailed information on how armies were raised, trained, provisioned, led and equipped. The book describes the weapons and tactics of the period, giving precise information down to the price of a single musket ball or pair of boots! $30.00 USD
WARGAMING IN HISTORY Vol. 8: The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 – The Campaign in Bohemia As usual, illustrated throughout with color maps and wargame photos. Includes detailed orders of battle. In this volume on the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the authors provide a detailed and highly informed history of the opening battles with the usual overwhelmingly impressive wargames covering Gitschin, Trautenau, Nachod, and Skalitz. $52.00 USD
PERRY 28MM HARD PLASTIC AWI INFANTRY 36 figures plus two casualties, unit bases, full painting guide, and flags for center company soldiers of a typical British regiment for the war. $29.00 USD
THE SECOND BATTLE OF NEWBURY 1644 Fought on 27 October 1644, it marked the climax of a dramatic summer of fighting during the English Civil War. 34 illustrations. $23.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $19.55 USD
SPECIAL OPERATIONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Describes and analyzes numerous examples of small-unit special operations conducted during the Revolutionary War that kept the enemy off balance. Most of the operations were conducted by American irregulars and volunteers, carefully selected, with specialized skills, and led by leaders with native intelligence. $33.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $28.05 USD
THE IRON CROSS 1813-1870-1914: The History and Significance of a Medal This two-volume work comprising more than 850 pages includes 1,500 color photographs, contemporary black-and-white photographs, and illustrations. Based on many years of research in German archives – in particular, the files of the Royal Prussian General Order Commission (GOC) in the State Archives of the former East Germany (DDR), which were basically locked away until after Germany's reunification, and were finally made accessible at the Prussian State Archive in Berlin – this work contains hitherto unknown facts. $249.00 USD
THE PERILOUS FRONTIER: Nomadic Empires and China 221 BC to AD 1757 The nomadic herdsmen of Inner Asia invented cavalry which, with the use of the compound bow, gave them the means to terrorize first their neighbors. $44.00 USD
EXPEDITION TO DISASTER Athenian expedition to conquer Sicily was one of the pivotal events of the classical period. At this time (415 BC), Athens was locked in a decades-long struggle with Sparta for mastery of the Greek world. The expedition to Sicily was intended to give Athens the extra money and resources to crush the Spartans. New archaeological discoveries allow the ensuing siege to be reconstructed in greater detail than ever before. $33.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $28.05 USD
AN ALTERNATIVE HISTORY OF BRITAIN: The Anglo-Saxon Age Explores the various decision points in a fascinating period of British history and the alternative paths that it might have taken. For example, was a reconquest by the native British ever a possibility (under 'Arthur' or someone else)? Which of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms might have united England sooner, and would this have kept the Danes out? And, of course, what if Harold Godwinson had won at Hastings? $40.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $34.00 USD
AN ALTERNATIVE HISTORY OF BRITAIN: The Hundred Years War What would have happened if the Black Prince had not died prematurely of the Black Death, leaving the ten-year-old Richard to inherit Edward III's crown. What would have been the consequences if France's Scottish allies had been victorious at Neville's Cross in 1346, while most English forces were occupied in France? What if Henry V had recovered from the dysentery that killed him at 35, giving time for his son Henry VI to inherit the combined crowns of France and England as a mature (and half-French) man, rather than an infant controlled by others? And what if Joan of Arc had not emerged to galvanize French resistance at Orleans? $40.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $34.00 USD
SALAMANCA 1812: Wellington's Year of Victories Battle of Salamanca, on 22 July, saw some 50,000 French troops arrayed against a similar number of allies. Using ground astutely, Wellington gained a crushing victory, inflicting over 14,000 French casualties. $50.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $43.50 USD
1940 LES BLINDES FRANCAIS (1940 French Tanks) Oversized at 8.5" x 12" and full color throughout. Offers a detailed presentation of the equipment, uniforms, and commanders, in addition to meticulous descriptions of the tanks themselves. A copious number of photos are included throughout the work, providing an accurate image of the tanks on the battlefield. [French Text] $43.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $36.55 USD
JAPANESE HEAVY CRUISER TAKEO 3D color artwork, close-up views, photographs and scale line drawings. $23.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $19.55 USD
VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SHIPS Guide to more than 1,200 of the most important ships from the earliest times to the present day – from the Viking longship through the 16th Century galleon to the supercarriers and nuclear submarines of the 21st Century. Each ship is illustrated with a profile illustration, accompanied by brief details and specifications. $40.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $34.00 USD
HITLER'S FORGOTTEN ARMIES: Combat in Norway and Finland New edition reprint covers the German campaigns in the northern theater of operations, encompassing Denmark, Norway, Finland, and the far north of Russia. $23.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $19.55 USD
HITLER STRIKES NORTH: The Nazi Invasion of Norway and Denmark – April 9, 1940 Includes 18 maps and 32 black-and-white photos. $35.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $29.75 USD
THE TIGERS OF BASTOGNE: Voices of the 10th Armored Division during the Battle of the Bulge The gallant stand of the 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne has long become part of historical and media legend. But how many students of the war realize there was already a U.S. unit holding the town when they arrived? And this unit - the 10th Armored Division - continued to play a major role in its defense throughout the German onslaught. $33.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $28.05 USD
MINIATURE WARGAMES/BG: # 361 May 2013 The first issue of the combined MI and Battlegames. Includes: Photography for Wargamers: Advice on how to take photos of your miniatures; Little Wars for Little Outlay: Clever ideas for having fun with the Wellsian rules; The Great Armada: Part 2 – What-if 1588 scenario with Spanish ships landing at the Pile of Fouldrey; Painting Perfect Pikemen: Advice on painting plastics; Ancient Command Challenge: Tabletop teaser; Opening Hell's Highway: Operation Market Garden scenarios focusing on Eindhoven, the Son bridges, and the German counterattacks; A Saladin for UNIT: Scratch-building a sci-fi armored vehicle for Dr. Who fans needing some backup for the UNified Intelligence Taskforce commandos; Tales of a Wargames Widow: Assembling and detailing the laser-cut buildings; and more. $9.00 USD
Battlegames MAGAZINE # 34 Last issue of Battlegames. Includes: Building an olive-press; Virtues of digital tablets; Tabletop Teaser: Attack from Two Sides; 25 Years of BattleTech; Wargaming Etiquette; Recreate the fictional Wars of the Faltenian Succession yourself, the invasion of neutral Martinstaad, with both sides aiming to grab the capital city; Historical accuracy in Wargaming: Re-creational or Rec-reational?; Painting the Great War: 28mm figures for the Western Front of 1917-18; Academy of Dice Mechanics – can you recognize your own dicey habits?; Recce: Final round-up of the latest products and services; Thoughts from the Armchair: Including modelrailroad-itus; and more. $10.00 USD
More books, rules, and other items can be found at the onmilitarymatters.com website.