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Khurasan Releases 28mm Federal Army

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Crucible Orc writes:

you should *really* do the Federal defense force exterminators infantry in 28mm before the vehicles ;)

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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We are very pleased to release our latest models, and the first 28mm models we have released in a while, the 28mm Federal Army. These are 28mm versions of our extremely popular 15mm Federal Army range.

This first release has infantry as well as vehicles – the vehicles are entirely resin, the infantry are all one-piece pewter castings. Our goal was to provide infantry with both the recession-busting price of plastics (about $1.30 USD a figure), and the strength, heft and ease of one-piece pewter pieces, and we hope you like the results.

Federal Rifle Set

The Federal Army is the largest military force in the Federation. Federal Army Heavy Infantry wear extensive carapace protection and carry a variety of weapons, most common being the pulse rifle. One soldier in each fireteam will usually have a plasma grenade launcher attached to his rifle, as well. The 28mm Federal Army Rifle Set has nine unique poses – a squad leader, two team leaders, two riflemen with grenade attachment (these are the five poses to the left in the above image), and four riflemen.

Federal Rapidfire Weapons Set

Fireteams often have one or two squad rapidfire riflemen with the larger and much more powerful, but heavier, rapidfire pulser. The 28mm Federal Army Squad Rapidfire Weapons Set has four models in four unique poses.

Federal Army Heavy Weapons Set

Attached at higher level are infantry heavy weapons – the 28mm Federal Army Heavy Weapons Set has a missile team of loader and missileman, a plasma gunner, and a marksman with heavy anti-material rifle.

Federal Army Polecat

The model of the Polecat Armored Command/Utility Vehicle is approximately 102mm long, and comes with a missile launcher (which may be swapped with the rotary gun turret – it's not shown here, but is identical to that on the 15mm vehicle).

Federal Army Caiman APC

The model of the massive Caiman Heavy APC is approximately 190mm long, and has an adjustable starboard door. This massive, heavily armed and armored vehicle can carry a reinforced squad directly into the center of the battlefield, then support them on to victory.

As were their 15mm versions, the 28mm infantry were sculpted by Mike Broadbent. The vehicles (and the infantry shown with the vehicles for comparison) were painted by dwartist, and the infantry in the standalone photos were painted by Chris Yaro.

Available now, at the link below. Federal Army infantry with tripod-mounted heavy weapons will be a future release – they are already well underway. If this line proves popular, we will certainly release more of our 15mm vehicles in 28mm scale. Happy gaming!

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