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WWII Soldiers: Germans & Americans Released

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

WWII Soldiers: Germans & Americans

WWII Soldiers: Germans & Americans

Publisher: DramaScape

Dramascape Miniatures Volume 04

WWII Soldiers: Germans & Americans is a set of over 100 fold-up paper tokens.

Sample soldiers
Page 1:
The first four miniatures are German solders in black SS field uniforms, and two of them are using Karabiner 98 K rifles, one has a radio backpack, and the other has both hands up. The next one is a German soldier in a blue gray uniform wearing a field cap with a Karabiner 98 K rifle slung over the shoulder. The last seven miniatures are German snipers in splittertarn camouflage for autumn forests, using scoped karabiner 98 K rifles.
Page 2:
All of the German soldiers on this page are in field gray uniforms, and the first ten have Karabiner 98 K rifles. One of these soldiers is tossing a Model 24 Stielhandgranate "potato masher" grenade. The eleventh soldier is carrying a MG42 machinegun with a bipod for rapid deployment. The twelfth soldier is holding a panzerfaust anti-tank bazooka.
Page 3:
The top six miniatures are German soldiers dressed in sand-colored clothes and using Karabiner 98 K rifles suitable for Afrika Korps soldiers. The bottom six miniatures are of a German NSKK traffic policeman complete with a MP 40 sub-machinegun and a small stop/slow paddle on three of the panels.
Page 4:
All of the German soldiers on this page are SS Waffen in field gray uniforms using MP 40 sub-machineguns. The eighth miniature appears to have been shot and is dropping his gun.
Page 5:
The first three German soldiers on this page are using Sumpftarnmuster camouflage for swamps and MP 40 sub-machineguns. The next three German soldiers are using Flecktarn camouflage for summer forests and MP 40 sub-machineguns, with one throwing a model 24 Stielhandgranate "stick grenade." The next three German soldiers have white uniforms on for snow camouflage and MP 40 sub-machineguns, with one throwing a model 24 grenade. The last three are German soldiers in field gray uniforms equipped with Karabiner 98 K rifles.
Page 6:
This page features twelve American soldiers of the 101st wielding M1 Garand rifles with helmets camouflaged with leaves. Two of the bottom soldiers are tossing Mk 2 "pineapple" grenades.
Page 7:
This page features twelve more American soldiers of the 2nd Division wielding M1 Garand rifles with a standard helmet. One of the bottom soldiers is tossing a Mk 2 "pineapple" grenade.
Page 8:
The first five and twelfth miniatures are American soldiers using Thompson sub-machineguns. The next three miniatures are American Military Police using Thompson sub-machineguns. The final three miniatures on the page are American medics.
Page 9:
This page includes sandbags, fences, and barbed wire that can be used as cover or obstacles to be avoided. One of the sandbags has a German soldier using it as cover. There is also a stretcher with two German soldiers carrying a wounded German soldier.
Price: $4.99 USD

For more information