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Red Star Chechen War Range Sold to Empress Miniatures

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account cancelled writes:

A good move: the Dien Bien Phu range has some real promise; I think when there are Viet Minh,or Algerians maybe? then I will have to order some.

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Red Star Miniatures of Red Star Miniatures writes:

Chechen Wars

To allow us to devote all our time and resources available on our new Dien Bien Phu range, we decided to "lighten" by putting our first line of figures, the Chechen War range, into the hands of our loyal British distributors, Empress Miniatures. Empress Miniatures, notwithstanding being our exclusive distributor for the United Kingdom, is now the owner of this range, to which they will certainly infuse new life in the future.

Chechen War was our first range, and as such, we were very attached to it. It was a great experience for us, and allowed us to learn a lot about how to do things better in the future. But our resources are definitively limited, and we will now be able to concentrate exclusively on the Dien Bien Phu range, for which we have a lot of projects.

Dien Bien Phu

Dien Bien Phu

Thanks to all the people who have supported us so far, and intend to do it in the future.