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28mm Monmouth Rebellion Flags from Flags of War

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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flagsofwar of Flags of War writes:

New to the Flags of War range are flags for the Monmouth Rebllion. Some of the flags are from the current Williamite range, and some have been tweaked to suit King James II's army which put down the Rebellion in 1685. The flags are for the foot regiments at the Battle of Sedgemoor, and I hope to have the some Cavalry Regiments soon as well.

Duke of Monmouth - Rebel Army

King James II's flags are based on the details of what is known for this period, and the flags for Monmouth are conjectural for the period as nothing is known about them. Along with the foot, I have made a few militia flags that can be used for the period.

King James II's Army

Please note these are currently slightly larger than our ECW range, just in case anyone was thinking about mixing them together.

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