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28mm Fantasy DH19 Baggage Turtle Released

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JimDuncanUK writes:

Isn't that more like a tortoise than a turtle?

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256 hits since 4 Mar 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP of Alternative Armies writes:

Swim the seas of trade across the ocean to being the finest things to the mountain holds of the Dwarfs. The Gnomes are masters of commerce and welcome the gold of the deep Kings.
Baggage Turtle

A promised new release to cap off our overhauling of the entire Dwarf Hosts (DH) 28mm fantasy range is here. Something rather different and special to go with with your Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings. No mere donkey with load; oh no… this one can swim!

DH19 – Baggage Turtle with Gnome Rider

Baggage Turtle

One resin turtle covered in mixed baggage, and a metal Gnome rider who sits atop it. Excellent for your campaigning and a real eye-catching piece. Sculpted by Kieran Billings. It is 50mm long and 40mm tall with rider. You can choose from the pack or parts of the pack. Get the rider on his own, or the Baggage Turtle to put other riders upon it.

Baggage Turtle size comparison
An Elder Dwarf Wizard and the demigiant Fnorr for scale next to the Baggage Turtle.
Dwarf Multitude

The Overhaul Project has taken a whole month, but it is now complete. As well as every one of the 70-odd Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings being on the site as a single with new pictures, they are also in value packs with a saving, plus the mega-multitude. Requested by wargamers, the DHM01 Dwarf Multitude Miniature Set contains one of every pose in the DH range with a bigger saving. Get it all in one go.

Dwarf Host size comparison

Here is a line-up for comparative sizing of the denizens of the DH range. From the smallest to the largest, with sculpting by Dave Gallagher, Andy Cooper, Mike Owen, and Sam Croes, spanning the 1980s to now. DH6-05 is 25mm to top of the head, as is DH13-01.

Flower of Evil

EH09 Flower of Evil III is new and totally free automatically in all shipped orders until 10th March 2025. Above, you can see it being tackled by Skeleton Warriors, unarmored and armored with added weapons and shields from our Undead Legions range. Codes VNT57, 58, 59 and VNT51. You can purchase more Flowers if you want, but every packaged shipped gets one free all the same.

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