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New Resin Terrain from Warlord Games

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2,947 hits since 20 Mar 2012

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

Whilst making the resin terrain pieces for our Rorke's Drift! battle-set, we also had a couple of extras made. Now you can get your hands on a couple of new terrain pieces – a stone bridge and stone animal pen.

Stone Bridge

This charming stone bridge will be useful for battlefields set over hundreds of years of warfare – from Pike & Shotte right through to modern-day.

The one-piece resin bridge can act as an objective, choke point, or simply had more atmosphere to your tabletop. Supplied unpainted (miniatures shown for scale and aren't included!).

Stone Animal Enclosure

In a similar vein to the stone bridge, this dry, stone animal-enclosure can be used across many periods. Miniatures shown for scale and not included.

If you are looking for livestock to populate the pen, we have just what you need here.

For more information