Exciting News From Caliver Books!
Caliver Books is now the proud owner of the PMC Games range of high quality, painted resin buildings (6mm, 15mm and 28mm - Biblical through to Gulf War) and SteamPunk/Very British Civil War vehicles and boats.
We are re-launching the buildings/scenery under the Battlefield Buildings banner, and the rest under Forgotten Front Miniatures.
Once we are properly up and running, we shall be selling all but the vehicles with painted or unpainted options. (The vehicles will always come un-assembled but undercoated.) The price in the catalog is for the painted version. Postage will be added at the standard, normal rate for now.
At the moment, we are offering straight-out-of-the-molds buildings/scenery at 20% off the price as listed in the catalog – with payment by card only, so we can deduct.
As we release other parts of the range, we'll be telling you all about it through TMP – and hopefully putting up more pictures!