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New From Perry: Early Nassau Napoleonics

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unknown member writes:

Lovely stuff as usual Alan.

Fingers crossed for Russian Uhlans, horse artillery and some mounted personalities in the near future.

I wonder if all the COR releases will see a dedicated Peninsula range at some stage?

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unknown member of Perry Miniatures writes:

These have been a while coming, but they're here! It was nice to extend the Napoleonic Nassau range with these colorful uniforms of the early years of new Duchy of Nassau. The Duchy supplied these four independent battalions, which I've added the organization of to the lists on the site. To find out more on these battalions' uniforms and service record, go to Peter Bunde's site, Brigade Plates, where you can buy the relevant plate which is Plate no. 168.

Nassau Napoleonic Army 1806-07

Nassau Napoleonics

Nassau Napoleonics

Nassau Napoleonics

Nassau Napoleonics

28mm Figures Designed by Alan Perry

NN 15 - Lieb battalion v. Todenwarth, command (helmets) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 16 - Lieb battalion v. Todenwarth, marching (helmets) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 17 - 2nd and 4th battalions v. Kruse and v. Holbach, command (shako) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 18 - 2nd and 4th battalion s v. Kruse and v. Holbach, marching (shako) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 19 - 4th battalion v. Holbach, grenadiers (shako, large plume) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 20 - 3rd battalion v. Schaeffer, command (jaegers) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 21 - 3rd battalion v. Schaeffer, marching (jaegers) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP
NN 22 - 3rd battalion v. Schaeffer, schutzen (sharpshooters)/NCOs (jaegers) 1806-07 - £7.00 GBP

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