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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

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Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia

Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia

A fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia (or Never Mind the Warlocks) provides gamers with the rules required to set use Billhooks troops in a fantasy land setting. The Never Mind the Billhooks deluxe core rules are required for play, along with two warring factions (around 80 figures per side) of Elves, Goblins, Humans, or any other typical fantasy army. Wizards and monsters also play a role in the outcome of Fantasia games, although their touch is light – skillful, or lucky, the use of blades and arrows should win the day. $15.00 USD

Victoriana Age of Empires: Tales of Derring Do – Supplement 2

Victoriana Age of Empires: Tales of Derring Do – Supplement 2

This supplement requires the main Tales of Derring Do ruleset, and expands it to cover the world of steam-powered science and the type of adventures found in the Penny Dreadfuls and Scientific Romances. Provides new skills and generic characters, as well as new settings and worlds for players to explore. As with the main rules, this is for one-on-one skirmishes and can be used with any scale. All you need to play are a pack of ordinary playing cards, some 10-sided dice, a few figures, and your imagination. $28.00 USD

Deeds of Daring: Individual Combat During the French & Indian War (1754-1763)

Deeds of Daring: Individual Combat During the French & Indian War (1754-1763)

Rules, army lists, and seven scenarios. Miniature rules for the black-powder era using individual mounted figures. Each player commands three to four figures with a six-player game using only nine to twelve figures per side. A six-player game will be decided within three to four hours. Quick, fun and bloody like a wargame should be. $34.00 USD

Twilight of the Sun King: Scenario Book 4 – Birth of the Age of Reason, Ga Pa!

Twilight of the Sun King: Scenario Book 4 – Birth of the Age of Reason, Ga Pa!

Focuses on the Great Northern War of 1700-1721. Features 15 scenarios – nine historical battles and six what-if battles: Hummelshof (1702), Jakobstadt (1704), Gemauerthof (1705), Kalisz (1706), Malatize or Dobroe (1708), Koniecpol (1708), Poltava (1709), Helsingborg (1710), and Palkane (1713); Holstein (1700), Grodno (1706), Clash of the Titans (1707 Intervention in the War of Spanish Succession), Horki (1708), Ingermanland (1708), and Scania (1716). $42.00 USD


043 Yom Kippur War 1973: Airpower in Israel's Hardest-Fought War

043 Yom Kippur War 1973: Airpower in Israel's Hardest-Fought War

Combat series. Explores how the Yom Kippur War, or October War of 1973, was perhaps the most intensive and savage air war in history. Explains how, in contrast to the striking success of the Six-Day War, Israel's prewar plans failed in 1973. Since the Six-Day War, Israel had modernized its air force and planned in detail for this air war. But the IDF underestimated the effectiveness of the latest Soviet air defense technology and doctrine, particularly the new SA-6 missile system. With archive photos, combat artwork, 3D diagrams, and maps, this book unravels the complexities of one of the fiercest air wars of modern times, and explains how Israel's eventual victory was achieved against the odds and at a grave cost. Illustrated throughout with 65 photos and 16 pages of color illustrations. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD
047 Operation Barbarossa 1941: The Luftwaffe Opens the Eastern Front Campaign

047 Operation Barbarossa 1941: The Luftwaffe Opens the Eastern Front Campaign

Explores the air campaign that spearheaded Operation Barbarossa, and how it evolved during the rest of 1941. Describes how between June and December 1941, Luftwaffe losses rose and aircraft readiness steadily decreased under the pressure of combat. Also analyses the evacuation of Soviet industry – including aircraft production – to the Urals, and the rebuilding of the VVS. By the time German columns stalled in front of Moscow, the VVS had more operational aircraft at the front than the Luftwaffe. Also covers aspects such as the abortive VVS strikes on Berlin and other strategic targets, as well as the Luftwaffe's strategic bombing raids on Moscow. Illustrated throughout with 65 photos and 14 pages of color illustrations. Air Combat series. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
078 German Soldier vs British Soldier: Spring Offensive & Hundred Days 1918

078 German Soldier vs British Soldier: Spring Offensive & Hundred Days 1918

Combat Men series. Examines German troops versus British opponents on the Western Front during 1918. Shows how the British Army on the Western Front fared as it survived the Spring Offensive and then went on the attack during the Hundred Days. While the picked units spearheading the German offensive were well-trained and well-armed but short of supplies, the regular divisions following in their wake would prove much less resolute. The fighting would see both sides' forces tested to the limit and beyond, as initial German progress gave way to stalemate and the Allies then took the offensive, driving the Germans back. Featuring specially commissioned artwork and mapping, archive photos, and analysis and commentary, this study assesses the fighting men on both sides during the climactic months of fighting on the Western Front in 1918. Contains color artwork plates and maps; black-and-white, and color photographs and illustrations. $23.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.
153 Kawanishi H6K <em>Mavis</em> & H8K Emily Units

153 Kawanishi H6K Mavis & H8K Emily Units

Combat Aircraft series. An illustrated account of the little-known operations of the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force's flying boat units during World War II. Respectively codenamed the Mavis and Emily by the Allies, Japan's H6K and H8K flying boats outstripped their RAF and U.S. Navy counterparts. Utilizing newly translated Japanese war diaries, as well as Allied intelligence and combat reports, reveals the full story behind the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force's flying boat units. Contemporary photos and 22 color profiles bring new dimensions to this area of Japanese military history, vividly illustrating the pivotal roles of Emily and Mavis in events including the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Battle of Midway, and the fighting in the Aleutians and the Bismarck and Solomon Islands. Contains color artwork plates and maps; black-and-white, and color photographs and illustrations. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
331 Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers: 1945-92

331 Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers: 1945-92

New Vanguard series. The history of the U.S. Navy's biggest aircraft carriers to be built during World War II, which found a second life as the backbone of the Cold War fleet. Explains how the Midway class was the U.S. Navy's attempt to build a much larger and much more survivable version of the wartime Essex-class. The importance of these ships in conducting presence missions in the European theater early in the Cold War will be highlighted. The basic soundness of the original design will also be highlighted. Two of the ships in the class enjoyed prolonged careers, which will also be traced, and Midway ended its career as a museum ship in San Diego, the only non-Essex-class American carrier to be preserved. Illustrated throughout with 40 photos and 8 pages of color illustrations. $20.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $17.00 USD.
403 The Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (3): The Third Day

403 The Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (3): The Third Day

This final volume in its trilogy emphasizes the tactical decisions of Day Three of the American Civil War and documents the ensuing combat in detailed 2D maps, 3D diagrams, and historic photographs. It also includes a brief summary of the strategic and human consequences of the campaign, carrying the story to November 19, 1863, the day of Lincoln's famed Gettysburg Address. Primary accounts from common soldiers infuse this study, reminding readers that Gettysburg was – among other things – a tale of suffering and endurance. The experiences and equipment of these men are brought to life in dramatic battlescenes. Contains color illustrations throughout, including battlescene artworks, maps, 3D diagrams, and photographs. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.


For Ireland & King James!

For Ireland & King James!

Focuses on the Irish army which fought against Willem van Oranje between 1689 and 1691, and it is a guide to the infantry regiments which fought in the final campaign during the summer of 1691, culminating in the Battle of Aughrim and the second siege of Limerick. Offers insight into the provenance, officers and history of each formation. Lavishly illustrated and provides inspiration for wargamers to recreate the campaigns fought in Ireland on the tabletop for nearly three years. Contains 32 color plates and two maps. $58.00 USD

So Just & Glorious A Cause: Britain & the Liberation of Portugal – Rolica & Vimeiro, 1808

So Just & Glorious A Cause: Britain & the Liberation of Portugal – Rolica & Vimeiro, 1808

Detailed narrative of Wellington's first campaign in the Peninsula. Using memoirs, letters and previously unpublished primary sources, it covers events from Junot's invasion in late 1807 to the Portuguese revolts in the summer of 1808, and then the sailing of the British expedition and the battles of Rolica and Vimeiro, through to the controversial Convention of Cintra and the liberation of Portugal from the French. Makes extensive use of primary sources from all levels of the French, Portuguese and British forces involved, many of them previously unpublished. The forced marches of the French troops as they crossed into Portugal, the diplomatic efforts and occupation in Lisbon, and the Royal Navy blockade are all examined, as well as Vice Admiral Cotton's efforts to fan the flames of revolt in Portugal and offer support for the uprisings. Contains 34 black-and-white illustrations, 31 black-and-white photos, 12 maps, and 25 tables. $60.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $51.00 USD.
Holding Charleston by the Bridle: Castle Pinckney & the Civil War

Holding Charleston by the Bridle: Castle Pinckney & the Civil War

Castle Pinckney, a pivotal fort in Charleston Harbor, influenced Civil War events from its construction in the War of 1812 through post-ACW Reconstruction. Located on a marshy island in the center of Charleston's magnificent harbor, the large cannons on the ramparts of this horseshoe-shaped masonry fort had the ability to command downtown Charleston and the busy wharves along East Bay Street. This inescapable fact made Pinckney an important chesspiece in the secession turmoil of 1832 and 1850, and in the months leading up to the 1861 bombardment of Fort Sumter. Explores the fort's innovative design as part of America's Second System of coastal fortifications, as well as the modern challenges of preserving its weathered brick walls against rising sea levels to save archaeological evidence that tells the full story of Castle Pinckney. Contains 65 images and 1 map. $33.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $28.05 USD.
Rommel's Ghost Division: Dash to the Channel 1940 – Images of War Series

Rommel's Ghost Division: Dash to the Channel 1940 – Images of War Series

Channel Dash. A collection of digitally enhanced photos of Erwin Rommel's Ghost Division. Rommel was at the forefront of the Wehrmacht's audacious drive through France. Rommel, who had no prior experience leading an armored division in combat, moved with such speed and nerve that he frequently surprised French units by arriving far earlier than expected. Crossing the Meuse River, we follow Rommel – in what he referred to as practically a lightning Tour de France – as he pushed through northern France to the English Channel. His victory at the coastal port of Saint-Valery-en-Caux was crowned by the capture of Cherbourg. Following the armistice, Rommel was involved in reenacting certain battles, such as crossing the Somme, for the documentary Sieg im Westen (Victory in the West). Contains 200 images. $29.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $24.65 USD.
Rommel's Ghost Division: Victory in the West – Images of War Series

Rommel's Ghost Division: Victory in the West – Images of War Series

Victory over France. A collection of digitally enhanced photos of Erwin Rommel's Ghost Division. General Erwin Rommel's 7th Panzer Division – dubbed the Ghost Division – had driven headlong through Allied forces in Belgium and France to reach the English Channel. Pushing south along the Channel coast past Le Havre, Rommel's spectacular victory at Saint-Valery-en-Caux was crowned by the capture of Cherbourg. Following the Franco-German Armistice and a victory parade in Bordeaux, cameras rolled as Rommel re-enacted crossing the Somme for the Nazi propaganda documentary Sieg im Westen (Victory in the West). Contains 250 mono illustrations. $29.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $24.65 USD.
World War II Tank Spotter's Guide

World War II Tank Spotter's Guide

A beautifully illustrated pocket guide to 40 of the most iconic World War II tanks. Provides essential information on tanks such as the Panther, Sherman and T-34. Details speed, armor, armament and how they compare to one another. Featuring full-color artwork to aid recognition, as well as all the details you need to compare their performance, this is the perfect pocket guide to the Allied and Axis tanks of World War II. Includes listing on French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and United States tanks. $12.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $10.20 USD.
Turning the Tide: The U.S.A.A.F. in North Africa & Sicily

Turning the Tide: The U.S.A.A.F. in North Africa & Sicily

Packed with personal accounts of the action, this is a vivid narrative history of the often-overlooked U.S.A.A.F. campaign in North Africa and Sicily in World War II. Using first-hand accounts from pilots and other aircrew, describes how the U.S.A.A.F. units in Morocco were forced to learn their own lessons in combat with veteran Luftwaffe units, and how the experience gained in the skies over North Africa and Sicily was invaluable in developing the air forces that would dominate the skies over Europe in the latter years of the war. Contains 16-page black-and-white plate section. $32.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $27.20 USD.
Armored Thunder: The Canadian Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment in the Normandy Campaign

Armored Thunder: The Canadian Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment in the Normandy Campaign

The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment was a Canadian armored regiment attached to the 2nd Canadian Armored Brigade which landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in support of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. They then fought through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany until VE-Day. As an independent armored regiment, it was assigned to support various infantry formations. As such, it fought the first major tank battle on European soil when it went up against the panzers and panzergrenadiers of the 12.SS-Panzerdivision. Contains 40 color illustrations and 37 mono illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.

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