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Two New US Army TOEs from TOEHut

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian reports:

Wargame Vault has announced the following new releases from TOEHut:

US Army MTOE 07217G000, Rifle Company, Infantry Brigade Combat Team (MRAP)

US Army logo

Table of order and equipment information for U.S. Army MTOE 07217G000, U.S. Army Rifle Company, Infantry Battalion, Infantry Brigade Combat Team (MRAP), as of 2008. Includes information on unit organization, personnel, weapons, vehicles, and other mission equipment.

Price: $1.00 USD

US Army M/TOE 9-520G, Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal

EOD logo

Table of order and equipment information for U.S. Army TOE 9-520G (SRC 09520GP501), Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Control), as of 25 February 1969; MTOE 9-520GP501 P50171, Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Control), as of 24 March 1971; TOE 9-520G (SRC 09520GP502), Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Tactical), as of 25 February 1969; MTOE 9-520GP502 P50171, Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Metropolitan), as of 6 April 1971; and MTOE 9-520GP503 P50171, Ordnance Detachment, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Tactical), as of 19 April 1971; Includes information on unit organization, personnel, weapons, vehicles, and other mission equipment.

Price: $1.00 USD