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Renaissance: Conquistador Cavalry 28mm Figures
This boxed set allows you to build up to twelve hard-plastic horses and riders equipped with sword, spear and shield. A mix of hat and helmet types will expand their use to the battlefields of Europe in the 16th Century. Eight War Dogs complete the box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 10%: Now $31.50 USD.

Renaissance: Heavy Cavalry 28mm Figures
This boxed set allows you to build up to twelve hard-plastic riders equipped with sword, matchlock pistol, wheel-lock pistol, and lance. Optional armor pieces are included for the horses (or the horses can be used plain with the included saddles). A mix of hat and helmet types will expand their use to the battlefields of Europe in the 15th and 16th and into the 17th centuries. Eight War Dogs complete the box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 10%: Now $36.00 USD.

The Last War: Forbidden Psalm
The Last War is a stand-alone game using the Forbidden Psalm rules – you do not require any other book to play this game loosely based on WWI. In this small-scale skirmish game, each player commands a crew of five miniatures against other players, monsters, and more. Play as enemies, or cooperatively, or in solo mode. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are included. Contents: 128 page rulebook; Full-color game token sheets; Dice; WWI British Frame (five 28mm Models); WWI German Frame (six 28mm Models); WWI Russian Frame (seven 28mm Models); WWI French Frame (seven 28mm Models); Two Weird War One Conversions Frames with ROUSes, Huge Maggots, and lots of conversion heads and arms (including tentacles); and 36 25mm Dual Use hard plastic bases. $85.00 USD
OMM Discount 10%: Now $76.50 USD.

The Evolution of Gun Making: Machine Made Weapons, 1700-1820
Examines the transition from traditional hand-craft methods to the beginnings of standardized mechanized manufacture, using as examples the French Model 1777 and the Russian Model 1808 infantry muskets. A variety of technologies are examined, explained, compared and contrasted in extensive detail. Contains 236 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.

Late Roman Combat Tactics
Analyzes land combat in the period from the Tetrarchy to the death of Heraclius, including equipment, troop types, tactics, and unit orders and formations used by the late Romans and their enemies. Examines the developments and changes in these aspects, assessing how the Romans adapted, or failed to adapt, to the varied and changing array of enemies, such as Persians, Avars and Arabs. Factors as morale and the psychology of battle are given due consideration. Contains 75 color & black-and-white illustrations. $50.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.

At War With Wellington: The Peninsular War Letters of William, George & Charles Napier
Publishes the private letters of the Napier family penned immediately from the front, packed with detail of the horrors of battle and siege warfare without that dreaded hindsight. Between the three brothers, they participated in almost every action in the six-year war and two of them participated in the Army of Occupation in France from 1815-18, although none were at the Battle of Waterloo. All three survived the war, but were all badly maimed. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $50.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.

A Tempest of Iron & Lead: Spotsylvania Court House, May 8-21, 1864
Comprehensive study of the campaign and especially the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. The fighting launched a score of new place-names and events, such as Spindle Field, Upton's Assault, the Mule Shoe, the Bloody Angle, and the Harris Farm. The casualties exacted at Spotsylvania exceeded those of the Wilderness by thousands. The fighting severely tested the offensive capabilities of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Southern Army, just as the defensive posture his men embraced would, in turn, test the limits of Federal endurance. Mackowski is a former historian at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, and continues to give battlefield tours as the historian-in-residence at Stevenson Ridge, an historic property on the battlefield's eastern front. Contains 79 images and 21 maps. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

The Guns of September: A Novel of McClellan's Army in Maryland, 1862
Novel of the ACW follows the Union Army after the defeat at Second Bull Run during the the 1862 Maryland Campaign. A host of historical characters appear in the work, including a diligent General McClellan, the hard-fighting Joseph Hooker, a frustrated Ambrose Burnside, and the aggressive George Armstrong Custer, as well as experienced veterans from Ohio and greenhorns from central Pennsylvania. Fortune smiles on Little Mac when a lost copy of Lee's orders falls into his hands, revealing the Rebel general's plan to divide his army and capture the Union garrison at Harper's Ferry. McClellan pushes his army and catches Lee by surprise at South Mountain, where he inflicts a decisive defeat that turns Lee's plan on its head and his army back against the Potomac for a final stand at Sharpsburg on September 17. The resulting battle could decide the fate of the nation. Contains three maps and two images. $23.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.

The Civil War Siege of Spanish Fort & the Mobile Campaign, 1865: Digging All Night & Fighting All Day
Examines the two-week siege of Spanish Fort, Alabama (March 26-April 8, 1865), which many believed as the key to holding the important seaport of Mobile. Despite being outnumbered about 10 to 1, 33-year-old Brig. Gen. Randall Lee Gibson mounted a skillful and spirited defense that considerably astonished his Union opponents. The siege and battle on the rough and uneven bluffs of Mobile Bay's eastern shore, fought mainly by veterans of the principal battles of the Western Theater, witnessed every offensive and defensive art known to war. The fort finally surrendered to Maj. Gen. Edward R. S. Canby on April 12, 1865. Contains 58 images and six maps. $33.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $28.05 USD.

The Heroes We Needed: The B-29ers Who Ended World War II & My Fight to Save the Forgotten Stories of the Greatest Generation
Follows the American airmen who brought the Japanese Empire to its knees and ended World War II with the greatest bomber of WWII – the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Contains 64 black-and-white photos and maps. $38.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $32.50 USD.

The Silent Service's First Hero: The First Submariner to Receive the Medal of Honor
Explores the life and times of Henry Breault, the first submariner to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. From 1900-41, Breault's life is reconstructed as lived through his Official Military Personnel File, census records, newspaper clippings, and connecting previous research. Breault's childhood, his enlistments in the Royal Navy Canadian Volunteer Reserve and the United States Navy are carefully reconstructed. From there, the conditions aboard the submarines he served on, his relationship with friends and family, his relationship to the women in his life, and his concept of masculinity and material identity allow us to better understand his life in the context he likely understood them. Contains 15 mono illustrations. $43.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.

SAS Operation Pistol: Raindrops in Alsace
Examines British Operation Pistol, which sent 51 soldiers of SAS 2 into the German territory of Alsace Lorraine 80 miles ahead of the American forces as Operation Loyton commenced. Of those 51 soldiers, SQMS Jack Alcock commanded a four-man party from his C3 group, and this is the story of his incredible bravery that awarded him the Croix de Guerre with Silver Star. Contains twelve mono illustrations. $43.00 USD
OMM Discount 25%: Now $36.55 USD.

Proposed Airborne Assaults in the Liberation of Europe: Cancelled Allied Plans From the Falaise Pocket to Operation Market Garden
Examines canceled airborne operations – Lucky Strike, Transfigure, Linnet, Comet, and Axehead – conceived to cut off a German retreat from the Falaise-Argentan Pocket in August 1944 or set up a faster Allied advance across France. They were all canceled, usually because the Allied forces reached the intended dropping zones before the airborne forces could take off. In particular, several of these operations bear very strong resemblance to elements of the Market Garden plan and show early signs of the mistakes. Operation Comet, for example, included a glider coup-de-main for the bridges at Arnhem, Nijmegen, and Grave – why did this disappear for Market Garden? These operations and their planning show that far from being an operation that went wrong in September 1944, the flaws in the Arnhem plan were evident much earlier. They also show that divisions between the Allies emerged much earlier and ran much deeper than originally thought. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

Hitler's New Command Structure & the Road to Defeat: A Study through Field Marshals Kesselring, Rommel & Model
Examines three exceptional German field marshals – Kesselring, Rommel, and Model – highlighting their skills and challenges amid Hitler's shifting loyalties. Kesselring, who was diplomatic, charming, and known as Smiling Albert, gained a reputation in Italy as an expert in defense, and his Allied code name was The Emperor. Rommel possessed exceptional qualities of command and leadership, but also relentless ambition. Model fought defensive battles in a way hardly matched by any other German general. He had the immense capability of keeping his nerve, but his skills as a commander were not matched by a diplomatic personality. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.

Operation Telic & the Liberation of Iraq: From the Desert Rats to the Media War
Anecdote-packed daily diary recounts the journalist author's experiences as a reserve officer and media handler with the British 7th Armoured (the Desert Rats) and 19th Mechanized Brigade during Operation TELIC in Iraq in 2003. One of his first missions is dealing with a barrage of media questions following the brutal murder of six Royal Military Police by a crazed mob in Majar-al-Kabir. Later, he recalls the adrenaline-filled atmosphere when the British Army garrison at Basra Palace is surrounded by a crowd firing mortars and unleashing hundreds of rounds from their AK-47s. It's only after a tense stand-to that the nervous troops discover that they are not under attack: the crowd is celebrating the demise of Saddam Hussein's sons. Unconvinced of the merits of military action before arriving in theater, Abbott ends his tour in a positive mindset despite the failure to locate WMD. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.

White Water Red Hot Lead: On Board U.S. Navy Swift Boats in Vietnam
Discusses the Swift Boat program during the Vietnam War, with 3,500 officers and men serving in a fleet of 130 boats with no armor plating. The boats patrolled the coast and rivers of South Vietnam with days of deadly combat, intense firefights, storms, and many other hidden dangers. Follows the six-man crew of PCF 76 who were volunteers from all over the U.S., eager to serve their country in a unique type of duty not seen since the PT boats of WWII. This inexperienced and disparate group of men would meld into a combat team – a team that formed an unbreakable, lifelong bond. $25.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.

The Devil's Playground: The Story of Two Charlie & The Arghandab River Valley
Describes the fight for survival by the men of Charlie Company's 2nd Platoon, known as Two Charlie, in the Arghandab River Valley – a.k.a. the Devil's Playground. The valley had been a notorious hot spot throughout history, with the Russians unable to maintain a foothold in the 80s and Coalition forces now facing the same problem during Operation Enduring Freedom. Discusses how they inherited a bare-bones outpost that they worked hard to turn into the defend-able position known as COP Tynes, while patrolling the grape fields and orchards of the valley. The fact that Two Charlie had to patrol, act as a quick reaction force, and secure their outpost on their own ensured that they never stopped. The men were constantly brought to their breaking point as their numbers dwindled and the fighting intensified. Contains 50 photographs. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

Caught in the Crossfire: The Inside Story of Pakistan's Secret Services
Memoir discusses the individuals, institutions and organizations that make up security and counterintelligence operations for Pakistan. Based on personal experiences, offers an insider's perspective of the current situation and predicts futuristic security scenarios. Argues that all international strategic maneuverings in the region mostly rely on information that is entirely fabricated by Pakistan's adversaries in order to harm its national interests. Contains 64 mono illustrations. $43.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.
Magazine With Game…

Vae Victis #176: Cowpens 1781
NEWS: What's New; Hexagons: Traces of Hubris; Wavre; Utah Beach; A Gest of Robin Hood; Napoleon I; The Battle of Mackinac Island; Berestechko 1651; Boardgames: Valley of Tears; Aliens; GCACW 3e partie; Western Front Ace; Aces of Valor; Incredible courage at Austerlitz; 1807 Preussisch Eylau; Europe in Turmoil; Twilight of the Reich; Kingmaker; Plum Island; Stalingrad Roads; Air & Armor; Le jeux Premiere GM 2e partie; Hobby: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat: Pendragon; JdR Sapa Inca; Scenarios: ASL; M44; Features: Cowpens – January 17, 1781 – Wargame simulates the battle between the British, led by General Cornwallis, and Americans, led by Daniel Morgan, at Cowpens. Includes die-cut counters. Rules in English. Game: Turn equals 20 mins; One hexagon equals 4 km; Complexity: 5/10; Solitaire: 8/10; Length of a game: Approximately two hours. (French Text, Rules in English). $28.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.
And Don't Forget the Magazines…

Wargames Illustrated: Issue # 442
Theme: Valour & Fortitude at Britcon: Live at Britcon 2024 with a trio of great games and The Indian Rebellion: Introductory guide and Army Sheets, for the Indian Rebellion/Mutiny. Features: Bolt Action Third Edition: Major changes that might impact the game.; Public Enemies – Part 2: Pictorial story of the gangsters of the 1930s and the men who were known as Public Enemy Number One.; Bringing a Fantasy City to Life: Explains the world design and rules for Guards of Traitor's Toll.; Basic Blending: Hard-Edge Horses: punchy but smooth-looking technique to paint horses, and shares some tips on completing caparisons and applying decals.; Billhooks Polonia: New theatre for Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe featuring the forces of the Polish Crown against the Teutonic Order.; Historicon Painting Competition: The fantastic winners.; Travels through Tollingchester: New, full-color modular Tollingchester terrain range and building some of the set. Departments: Observation Post: Reviews multi-period wargaming rules from BelloLudi, Sengoku battles from Caliver, Wars of the Roses metals from Athena Miniatures, and an apocalyptic Starter Set from Modiphius.; Release Radar: New and upcoming hobby releases.; Quick Fire: WI readers' projects, notes, news, and observations. $10.00 USD

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #132: Sherman's March to the Sea
Theme: Sherman's March to the Sea: Cutting the Confederacy in half (again): Sherman's March to the Sea; Raiding invaders and raiding the invaders: What goes around, comes around; Both sides stopped in their proverbial tracks: Wagons, trains, and bridges; The Battle of Honey Hill, 30th November 1865: The sweetest victory; Armies for Sherman's March to the Sea: Cutting up the Confederacy; Razing Confederate rails in Georgia: Sherman's necktie. Features: Catching the finest dish in all the land: We are all going on a boar hunt; Breakthrough during the Second Barons' War: Kenilworth, July 1265; Russians, Tlingit, and the 1804 Battle of Sitka: The struggle for Alaska; A difficult WWII attacker/defender scenario: Lunge-parry-riposte; A skirmish scenario for the American Revolution: Fighting retreat; Painting a Type 97 Shimhoto Chi-Ha Kai tank: Rumble in the jungle; First-rate Napoleonic French with speed paints: Drawing a contrast; Let's play the new Bolt Action, Third Edition: New and improved?; Trying the new Pacific theater supplement: Let's play Chain of Command: The Far East 1941-1945. Departments: Miniature reviews; Up Front: The cult of negativity; The Irregular: The ice man thaws; Game Reviews: The Age of War, Nam '68, Tour of Duty, On Bloody Ground – Caesars Campaigns, and General d'Armee 2; Book Reviews; Parting Shots. $12.00 USD
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