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Painting 1/2400 ACW Ironclads from Tumbling Dice

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a naval wargamer who likes the smaller scales, so who better to show us how to paint small-scale ironclads?

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2,390 hits since 31 Oct 2012

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Doug MSC of Miniature Service Center writes:

Hessian Grenadiers
  1. We have added photos on our AWI site of the Hessian Grenadiers and the Hessian Musketeers.
  2. Rod Thompson, who has been helping us on our website since our beginning, will soon have to move along with his plans. If you can help us in this area, please let us know. Thank you Rod for your kindness and help through the years. You have become a good friend and brother.
  3. Our October winner for a free Battle Pack of his choice is Clive Waterhouse of the United Kingdom. Each month, we have a drawing from every person who has ordered from us during the month. The winner gets to pick a Battle Pack of his choice. Congratulations, Clive!
  4. We're sorry about the delay with our AWI French Troops, but we are about ready for the first release. They will be the French Fusiliers marching. Coming after that will be the firing line, and then advancing/charging troops. Then will come the Grenadiers and Chasseurs, followed by troops in fatigue caps and the Black West Indian Volontaires, and Spanish as they fight their war across the southern U.S. taking all the British forces.
Hessian Musketeers