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First Look: Battlefront's 1:100 Panzergrenadier HQ

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian opens the box on the Armoured Panzergrenadier Company HQ (Late-War) for Flames of War.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

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The Silver Bayonet Wave Eight Deal: 28mm Figures

The Silver Bayonet Wave Eight Deal: 28mm Figures

Contains one each of all the new releases: Calabresi Unit, Kingdom of Naples (Bourbon) Unit, Brigante (5), Grave Golem (1), Il Negromante (1), Necromancer Acolytes (2), Nightmare Witch (1), Spectral Soldiers (5), Skeletal Soldiers (Napoleonic) (2), and Skeletal Soldier (Norman) (2). All figures are 28mm-sized, made of metal, and are supplied unpainted. $184.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $165.60 USD.

Peter Bunde Uniform Plates…

420: Russian Empire: Cuirassier Regiment Yekaterinoslavsky 1812-14

420: Russian Empire: Cuirassier Regiment Yekaterinoslavsky 1812-14

Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD

421: Kingdom of Spain: Infantry Regiment Ultonia 1806-1814

421: Kingdom of Spain: Infantry Regiment Ultonia 1806-1814

Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD

422: French Empire: 3rd Regiment Chevaulegers-Lanciers 1811-1815

422: French Empire: 3rd Regiment Chevaulegers-Lanciers 1811-1815

Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD


Britains & Other Interesting Toy Soldiers: Themes & Highlights From 60 Years of Collecting

Britains & Other Interesting Toy Soldiers: Themes & Highlights From 60 Years of Collecting

Author shares some of the in-depth knowledge gained through experience of collecting toy soldiers and countless hours of careful research, but most of all, the passion and enthusiasm for his hobby. Explains his inspiration to collect soldiers, like so many, in early boyhood and how a hobby grew into an obsession. The various chapters examine themes such as Britains Special Painting Orders and Indian Army Pipe Bands, or address questions regarding the manufacture or identity of specific sets. It is packed with anecdotes, useful technical information, and helpful advice for the collector; but it is above all a proud tour of inspection of a 60-year labor of love. Contains 450 color illustrations. $53.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $45.05 USD.
An Alternative History of Britain: The Hundred Years War

An Alternative History of Britain: The Hundred Years War

Explores the alternative paths that British history might so easily have taken, focusing on The Hundred Years War. Could the English have won in the long term, or, conversely, have been decisively defeated sooner? Among the many scenarios discussed are what would have happened if the Black Prince had not died prematurely of the Black Death, leaving the 10-year-old Richard to inherit Edward III's crown. What would have been the consequences if France's Scottish allies had been victorious at Neville's Cross in 1346, while most English forces were occupied in France? What if Henry V had recovered from the dysentery that killed him at 35, giving time for his son Henry VI to inherit the combined crowns of France and England as a mature man rather than an infant controlled by others? And what if Joan of Arc had not emerged to galvanize French resistance at Orleans? While necessarily speculative, all the scenarios are discussed within the framework of a deep understanding of the major driving forces, tensions, and trends that shaped British history. $30.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD
A Mighty Fortress of God: The Siege of Munster 1534-5

A Mighty Fortress of God: The Siege of Munster 1534-5

Vividly retells the 16-month siege of Munster by Franz von Waldeck's forces, revealing the determination of Anabaptist defenders amid religious and political upheaval. Readers are taken step by step through the critical phases of the siege: the construction of earthworks, the organization of defenses, and the increasingly desperate attempts by both sides to break the deadlock. From the failed attacks of 1534 to the dramatic betrayal that finally led to the collapse of the Anabaptist defense in June 1535, this account illuminates a key moment in Reformation-era history. Also explores the motivations, leadership, and ideologies of both the besiegers and the besieged, offering an unparalleled insight into the complexities of the Anabaptist movement and its tragic end in Munster. The text is supplemented by specially-commissioned artwork of clothing and flags, as well as detailed appendices providing, amongst other things, the Bishop's Articles of War, and details of the costs of the siege. Contains 57 black-and-white photos & illustrations, eight pages of color plates, and seven color maps. $43.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.

The British Army of George II: 1727-1760

Provides a detailed overview of the history, organization, and uniforms of the British military forces during the long reign of George II (1727-1760). After a brief overview of the British forces prior to the period, examines each component – not only the regular cavalry and infantry (the Guards, line, Highland and light regiments), but also the artillery and Royal Engineers, Corps of Invalids, the Fencibles, naval infantry, the auxiliary corps created to face the Jacobite Rising of 1745, and the allied contingents from Germany and the Netherlands that fought for Great Britain during the period 1745-1760. There are chapters devoted to the colonial forces deployed in the Thirteen Colonies of North America, with full details on the American militia and provincial military units, as well as forces deployed in the Caribbean and the military contingents of the East India Company. Illustrated throughout with excellent color illustrations from The Clothing Book commissioned in 1742 by the Duke of Cumberland and from the oil paintings of David Morier preserved in the Royal Collections. Contains 125 color illustrations. $43.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.
Napoleon's Heavy Cavalry: Uniforms & Equipment of the Cuirassiers & Carabiniers, 1805-1815

Napoleon's Heavy Cavalry: Uniforms & Equipment of the Cuirassiers & Carabiniers, 1805-1815

Created during the Peace of Amiens, the 19 regiments of cuirassiers that existed during the course of the 1e Empire were, after the Imperial Guard, perhaps the most famous and recognizable soldiers of the epoch. This book explores the long gestation of clothing and equipping the cuirassiers, the development of the arm from twelve regiments to 21 – if we include the carabiniers from 1811 – and how their clothing evolved across the period. As well as assessing the cuirassiers, the story of the evolution of the uniforms of the carabiniers is also told. Using archive records, as well as contemporary illustrations and original items of uniforms, the author sets out to describe the uniform of every regiment of Napoleon's army. Contains 200 illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD
The Maps of Second Bull Run: An Atlas of the Second Bull Run (Manassas) Campaign From the Formation of the Army of Virginia Through Chantilly, June 26-September 1, 1862

The Maps of Second Bull Run: An Atlas of the Second Bull Run (Manassas) Campaign From the Formation of the Army of Virginia Through Chantilly, June 26-September 1, 1862

Continues efforts to study and illustrate the major campaigns of the Civil War. This is the tenth book in the ongoing Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series. Breaks down the entire campaign into 24 map sets or action sections, enriched with 122 detailed full-page color maps. These cartographic originals bore down to the regimental and battery level. They include the march to and from the battlefields and virtually every significant event in between, including cavalry actions. At least two and as many as ten maps accompany each map set. Keyed to each piece of cartography is a full-facing page of detailed text describing the units, personalities, movements, and combat (including quotes from eyewitnesses) depicted on the accompanying map. Contains two images and 122 maps. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
Hell by the Acre: A Narrative History of the Stones River Campaign, November 1862-January 1863

Hell by the Acre: A Narrative History of the Stones River Campaign, November 1862-January 1863

Explores the pivotal Stones River Campaign of 1862-1863, detailing the intense battles and firsthand accounts that turned the tide for the Union Army. Examines strategy, tactics, and high-level command decisions while also presenting the view from the soldiers who fought the battle. Uses hundreds of archival and first-hand accounts, many of which have never been published, sheds significant new light on the experiences of the front-line troops. Contains 42 images and 17 maps. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
The Green Howards in the Great War: 8th & 9th Battalions A.P.W.O. Yorkshire Regiment

The Green Howards in the Great War: 8th & 9th Battalions A.P.W.O. Yorkshire Regiment

In answer to Lord Kitchener's appeal, in late August and September 1914, many men joined Alexandra's Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment, better known as The Green Howards. Recruits came from around the Middlesbrough area and the ironstone mines on the North Yorkshire moors, while others came from the East Durham coalfield and the Durham City area. Details the career of the 8th and 9th Battalions, from fighting on the Somme front, the Ypres Salient, the Battle of Messines, taking Hill 60, and then bolstering the Italian army. Contains 120 mono illustrations. $63.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $53.55 USD.
The Battalion: Citizen Soldiers at War on the Western Front

The Battalion: Citizen Soldiers at War on the Western Front

Seeks to answer how ordinary citizens become soldiers during the First World War and how they coped with challenges on the Western Front through the actions and experiences of an infantry battalion. The narrative traces the history of the 8th Battalion The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), a Kitchener battalion raised in 1914. The letters, memoirs, and diaries of the men of the battalion reveal in fascinating detail what wartime life was like for this group of men. It includes vivid accounts of their major battles – Loos, Somme, Passchendaele, German Spring Offensive, and the final 100 Days campaign. Contains 20 black-and-white illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.
The Siege of Leningrad: Then & Now

The Siege of Leningrad: Then & Now

Details how the siege of Leningrad was the longest ever endured by a modern city, and the deadliest siege in recorded history. It lasted for nearly 900 days, from late August 1941 to late January 1944, bringing unparalleled hardship to the population. More than one million lost their lives through cold, disease and starvation, bombs and artillery fire. The severe winter of 1941-42 was by far the worst period of the siege, when food reserves ran out, rations dropped to a little over three ounces of bread per person per day, and regular supplies of water, fuel, and electricity stopped. Its epic suffering and endurance earned Leningrad the title of Hero City of the Soviet Union. This book is from an article in issue 123 of After the Battle magazine, the joint authors were Karel Margry and Ron Hogg. Contains 80 mono illustrations. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
Operation North Pole: Unravelling the Truth Behind the Execution of 50 SOE Agents in the Second World War

Operation North Pole: Unravelling the Truth Behind the Execution of 50 SOE Agents in the Second World War

Operation North Pole was a WWII counterintelligence operation conducted by Germany's military intelligence (the Abwehr) between 1942 and 1944. Details how SOE agents were captured in the Netherlands and were persuaded to send messages back to London by the Germans, in which they intentionally left out two security checks. For some inexplicable reason, this did not raise any red flags. As no one in London realized messages being received from SOE agents in the Netherlands were being sent under the control and direction of German military intelligence, more agents and equipment followed unabated for more than 18 months. Of the 54 SOE agents sent to the Netherlands, 50 died or were executed whilst being held prisoner by the Germans. Contains 32 black-and-white illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
The Death of Prince George, Duke of Kent, 1942: A New Investigation to Find the Truth

The Death of Prince George, Duke of Kent, 1942: A New Investigation to Find the Truth

Details the evidence surrounding the death of Prince George, The Duke of Kent, who was to undertake an inspection of various RAF bases in Iceland. His plane hit a hillside on the remote headland known as Eagle's Rock, near Dunbeath in Caithness. Apart from the rear gunner, everyone on board, including Prince George, was instantly killed. Author explores how quickly the investigation and funeral happened, as well as how inconsistent reports are to what happened – what little that exist that have not disappeared. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
Scimitar Into Stanley: One Soldier's Falklands War

Scimitar Into Stanley: One Soldier's Falklands War

Based upon the diary written in 1982 by Captain Roger Field, The Blues and Royals, attached to HQ 5th Infantry Brigade, who sailed on the Queen Elizabeth II as part of the second wave to liberate the Falkland Islands. His journey took him to Fitzroy as the Argentinean aircraft struck the landing ships Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram. He joined the Commanding Officer of 2 Para for the Battle of Wireless Ridge and part-way through the battle took command of a Scimitar. He fought the rest of the battle from the turret and led the victorious charge into Port Stanley. This account is unique as it describes the War from the viewpoint of a staff officer, infantryman, and armored vehicle commander. Contains 35 mono illustrations. $30.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD.
A History of Military Encounters With UFOs: Explanations & Combat Strategies

A History of Military Encounters With UFOS: Explanations & Combat Strategies

This book explores the long history of military encounters with UFOs, revealing hidden incidents of dogfights, nuclear interference, and mysterious confrontations with unidentified aerial phenomena. Discusses how UFO/UAPs have been depicted since ancient times across the world, but it focuses on how the U.S. government has dealt with this phenomenon since the first World War. Details how UFO/UAPs have tampered with nuclear forces, including shutting down strategic missiles of the United States and activating Soviet ICBMs, as well as potentially returning fire against American military forces during the Vietnam War. Contains 32 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.

And Don't Forget the Magazines…

Miniature Wargames # 500

Miniature Wargames #500

In this special Issue 500 of Miniature Wargames, we have another great selection of rules, scratchbuilds, show reports, and scenarios. Please note: There is no free sprue as advertised on the cover! Articles include: Painting a Werewolf: Guide to the Wargames Atlantic figure using Army Painter Fanatic paints. Shows three alternative color schemes; Send Three And Fourpence: Heroquest adventure with Werewolf; Lysander Down: Scenario of WWII SOE drop in France; Oh, Vienna: the Siege of 1683; Skating on Thin Ice: The Temperature Drops; Command Decision: Teutonics; Fangorn's Edge: War of the Ring action using Oathmark rules; Another One Bites The Dust (Part 1): The Dodge City War 1883; Not That I'm Partizan: Show report; Scratch Build: Windmill; Last Word with James Morris: Author of Midgard rules; Review sections. $10.00 USD

Ancient Warfare: Volume 17.5: Legio X Fretensis

Ancient Warfare: Volume 17.5: Legio X Fretensis

Theme: Legio X Fretensis: A History of Legio X Fretensis – Guardians of the Strait; The Careers of Legio X Fretensis Soldiers – Tours of Duty; Legio X Fretensis at Masada – Putting an End to Resistance; Legio X at Amida, AD 359 – Fretensis or Fortenses. Features: Assyrian-style Expansion: Before Me, Cities, Behind Me, Ruins; The Tombstone of Caius Marius – Death of a Citizen Cavalryman; Italian Mercenaries Abroad – The Mamertines; The Rise of the Peltast – What's in a Name?; Painting Techniques for Roman Shields – Per Aspera Ad Astra; The Tactics of Numidian Cavalry – Bridled or Unbridled?; The Sarcophagus of Helena – Puzzle in Porphyry. $12.00 USD

Medieval World: Volume 14: The Medieval Baltic

Medieval World: Volume 14: The Medieval Baltic

Theme: The Medieval Baltic: A Frontier and a Crossroads: Trade and Power in the Medieval Baltic; Medieval Livonia: Connected and Contested; Livonian Brothers of the Sword: Conquering in Christ's Name; The Anglo-Hanseatic War: An Old Sea Bird and the Last Judgment; The Brotherhood of the Blackheads: Medieval Tallinn's Wealthy Merchants. Features: Well Protected? The Strength of Medieval Armor; Charles Martel: The Progenitor of Europe; Feeding Northumberland's House: A Late Medieval Household Budget; The legend of Loreto: Mary's Humble, Holy House; Kenilworth 1266: England's Greatest Siege; Viking York: Life and Conflict in Medieval Jorvik; Theophanu: Empress, Ruler, and Rival; Book Review: Gunpowder Technology in the 15th Century: A Study, Edition, and Translation of the Firework Book; Book review: Shared Saints and Festivals Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean. $12.00 USD

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