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Victrix: 28mm Metal Early Russian Cuirassiers

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sportsfan9994 writes:

Look Good. I may get a few.
Really need some dragoons and hussars to complement them.

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STEVE LBMS of Victrix Limited writes:

We are proud to show off some of our first metal cavalry. These are two packs of Early Russian cuirassiers for 1805-1808, and we will have these at Salute 2011 in London, 16th April. Hopefully, we will get castings back next week and put them on the shopping cart. There is a pack of troopers with six arm options and three horse options for plenty of variety in your units. There is also a command pack with officer, guidon bearer and bugler.

Russian cavalry

Yet again, Paul Hicks has done a lovely job on these figures and we can't wait to get some painted up.

Russian command

Before anybody complains about why are we making metal cavalry! We are working on some plastic cavalry sets (to be announced at a later date). These will be the next releases after the Austrians and Greeks.

Paul has also finished our Russian Jaegers and Jaeger command, and we hope to have some photos to put up later this week. These will also be on sale at Salute.