To complement our existing Soviet, Hungarian and Romanian releases for the Eastern Front, we are very proud to announce the release of our Stalingrad Germans.
We have 50 different miniatures available in a number of packs and army deals. We have had many kind comments for our efforts with the so-called minor nations on the Eastern Front – and we will have more releases for Romanian and Hungarians – but it was high time to make the main protagonists in this theater!
Thanks for all of your support for these ranges. If you keep buying 'em, we'll keep making 'em. Later this year, we will release Winter Soviets and Winter Italians. Winter Germans will follow.

The above are the command section and two 10-man infantry squads.

Support weapons include the HMG (with both MG34 and MG42 barrels), 8cm Mortar, PzB-39, anti-tank gun crew, PaK38 anti-tank gun, and sniper team.

Lastly, we have a Sturmpioniere squad and a flamethrower team.
Please also check out our Youtube Channel featuring new videos about this release: