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Gorgon Studios Release 28mm WWII British Command Support & Norwegian Sniper Team

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advocate writes:

If they had them in 15mm, so would I!

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hankedley Sponsoring Member of TMP of Gorgon Studios writes:

Allied Reinforcements Counterattack!

April 1940 – As British forces rush east, to the outskirts of Lillehammer, their Norwegian comrades attempt to buy them the time they need to mount a counterattack against advancing German forces. Preparing to land this month from Gorgon Studios are British Command Support and Norwegian Snipers. As the Invasion of Norway nears its climatic endgame, every troop can make a difference between Allied victory or German occupation! Sculpted by the talented Mike Owen, these troops are available now!

British Command Support

BL-BI-05 – British Command Support: No. 18 Radio Team, Forward Observer, & Medic

Norwegian Sniper Team

BL-NI-04 – Norwegian Sniper Team

For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian