We've just received issue #5 of Charge!, the official newsletter of the Johnny Reb Gaming Society.
Articles in this 24-page issue include:
- Build and Deploy a Miniature Observation Balloon
- by Wayne R. Terry. Building a balloon and wargaming with it. (Reprinted - with modifications - from The Zouave 4:2)
- More Thoughts on Balloons
- by Larry Reber. Additional historical background.
- Balloons in the Gettysburg Campaign
- by Scott Mingus, Sr. Contributions of the Balloon Department to the opening phase of the Gettysburg campaign.
- "A Glint of Bayonets" - Larry Brom's Regimental Level ACW Rules
- by Clay Cooper. Description and review.
- Johnny Reb 3 Tactics - Updated from Johnny Reb 2
- by Marc Shefelton. Four missing tactics from the new edition.
- Ask John Hill
- by John Hill. Answers questions regarding repeater companies, forced conditional holds, marking double orders, and formation changes prior to combat.
- Chits, Chits - My Kingdom for Some Chits!
- by George Anderson. Playing the Harris Farm scenario (late-war engagement pitting "heavy" Union regiments against Confederate elites).
- Fortresses and Ironclads
- by Bruce Kindig. Adding more fortifications, river steamboats, and ironclads to Johnny Reb 3 - and scratchbuilding them.
- Hood at Atlanta: Ezra Church
- by George Anderson. John Bell Hood's third sortie to save Atlanta. Historical background and scenario (with map and orders of battle).
- The Second Assault at Fort Fisher - January 13-15, 1865
- by David Glenn, Jr. Johnny Reb II scenario (with map, orders of battle, special rules, options, and scenery construction tips). Assaulting a North Carolina coastal fort.
- Finishing Your Terrain Setup - My Terrain/Gaming Philosophy
- by Doug Kline. Final touches to create lifelike terrain.