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Warlord Games & Wargames Factory Join Forces

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Joerg Bender writes:

"Does this suggest that there will be books and more support for the war of Spanish Sucession? Or will these ranges disappear, like the plastic Landskenechts? Will the WWII range be let to die as it competes with Warlord figures?"

Don't know exactly which Landsknechts you have in mind.
Warlord Games acquired Pro Gloria's Landsknechts during their struggling Indiegogo-campaign at the end of last year. I am not sure if they are available via Warlord Games now or will be in the future.

And that's exactly the fate WGF has moved itself into: one of it's competitors with partly similar ranges now is the sole worldwide distributor. For me that is the end of WGF as an independent manufacturer. Their announced new SciFi and Dark Futures miniatures will most likely be published under the Warlord Games logo. Who knows if some of their current ranges will simply "disappear", because Warlord Games wants to sell their own existing ones. And I am not too overly optimistic about the two "missing" AWI sets either…

Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land
Science Fiction

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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

Warlord Games banner

Warlord Games & Wargames Factory Are Pleased to Announce a Partnership of Historical Significance

Warlord Games will be the exclusive worldwide distributor of all Wargames Factory miniatures, featuring sets from such classic historical periods as the Dark Ages, War of Spanish Succession and American War of Independence. Wargames Factory have also produced a highly detailed new, unreleased range of Science-Fiction and Dark Futures miniatures.

Wargames Factory logo

The partnership adds value and market presence to both companies and allows each to focus on their strengths.

Wargames Factory: Skeleton Warriors

John Stallard, Managing Director of Warlord Games, said…

Both Warlord Games and Wargames Factory started business at the same time, eight years ago, both with the goal of making exciting, affordable plastic miniatures available to the wargames market. Although both companies grew in splendid isolation, we are excited about partnering with the talent at Wargames Factory. This way we can provide many more plastics sets for even more periods of history.
Wargames Factory: Apocalypse Survivors: The Men

Waikee Hui, CEO of Wargames Factory, said…

We are excited to have a partner for sales and distribution in the wargaming industry like Warlord Games. It allows us to remain focused on manufacturing high-quality products over several industry sectors. WGF is not going out of business. We will continue to develop some interesting, new products for the industry. We are optimistic that the industry enthusiasts, customers and fans will appreciate the partnership.
Wargames Factory: British Infantry

Wargames Factory's ranges will be available through Warlord Games' website and sales team beginning in October, 2015.

Please refer to the Warlord Games website and future newsletters for more updates on this exciting partnership.

For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian