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HMS Campbeltown Released

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Radetzky March Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Happy to see HMS Cambelltown. I would invest in the Cambelltown and her sisters-especially, in their original USN version. (They were the backbone of the ASIATIC Fleet, at Java Sea and other actions where this class of ships were martyrs in heroic fights against impossible odds, under the stars and stripes.)

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World War Two at Sea

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Warlord Games writes:

We're sailing back into Cruel Seas with the release of HMS Campbeltown, famed for the daring Operation Chariot.

Operation Chariot

Operation Chariot: A Most Daring Raid

A Royal Navy vessel; formerly a U.S. destroyer, disguised as a German ship, laden with explosives and British Commandos…

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HMS Campbeltown

HMS Campbeltown

Originally a U.S. destroyer, HMS Campbeltown was transferred to the Royal Navy as part of the destroyers for bases agreement after the outset of World War Two. She was arguably the most famous of these ships, due to her role in Operation Chariot in 1942.

HMS Campbeltown

HMS Campbeltown

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Extracted by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian