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Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain & Turkey Military Uniforms Reference Collection Available

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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain & Turkey Military Uniforms Reference Collection
Price: $4.99 USD

Publisher: Matomaton

A Matomaton military uniforms reference collection for wargamers.

78 images of the armies of the Mediterranean States from 1744 to 1862.

This PDF contains reproductions of the actual pages from Richard Knotel's famous Uniformenkunde, a key source in the study of military uniforms for many years. The scanned pages have been cleaned/corrected, ordered chronologically and assembled into PDFs by nation.


This collection contains images of the armies of the Mediterranean States from 1744 to 1862.

This includes: Greece, Helvetic Republic, Italy, Modena, Naples, Papal States, Parma, Portugal, Ragusa, Sardinia, Spain, Turkey and Tuscany.

The PDF contains the following pages:

  • 3 pages for the cover, information and legalese
  • 78 images, one per page. Each page is complete, including the original text above and below the reference image (no English translation included)
  • Where multiple states or cities are included in a single PDF there are pages separating each section

Each collection is provided in a smaller, low-resolution version and a high-resolution version.

Available Now or Coming Soon

Austria-Hungary, France, German States and Cities, Baden and Bayern, Hanover, Hessen, Saxony, Westphalia and Wurttemberg, Great Britain, Mediterranean Nations, Northern European Nations, Other European Nations (Belgium, Luxemberg and Switzerland), Prussia, Russia and the U.S.A. and Mexico.

About Richard Knotel

Born in Glogau in 1857, Knotel was taught by his artist father and went on to work as an illustrator before studying art at the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts. He had a lifelong fascination with military history and began his most famous work, Uniformenkunde, soon after leaving the Academy. The work grew into a huge collection of color plates detailing a wide range of uniforms from the late 1700s to the early 20th century.

About Matomaton

I've long been fascinated by military history and the development of military uniforms through the years. Having had high quality scans of Knotel's illustrations for some time, I thought that other people might share my interest, particularly other wargamers looking for reference material when painting miniatures.

If you would prefer these images to be organised in a different manner (by troop type, period, etc) please let me know and I'll try to get an appropriate PDF up on the site.


These PDF files may not be resold or redistributed. If you are interested in using copies of the individual plates for use in commercial projects, please contact me via my website.

For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian